Bio-identical hormone therapy: is it for you?

42848197 - hormone therapy word cloud conceptFor many women, hormones have a significant impact on their moods, attitudes and even what they decide to eat. For anyone who has ever had a love life hiccup that lead to the consumption of ridiculous amounts of chocolate, they can thank hormones. OK, maybe that hit below the belt for some of us. But seriously, our hormones affect our quality of life much more than we want to admit. The truth is, an imbalance can cause us to feel tired, change the tone and appearance of our skin and even weigh us down with a sense of heaviness. To combat this, actress Suzanne Somers enthusiastically supports the use of bio-identical hormones. She says they play a crucial role in our health. Plant-based sources of hormones replace those naturally occurring ones that have declined over time, bringing hormone levels back in proper alignment. In addition to the aging process, exhaustion and illness may also decrease the body’s ability to produce a sufficient quantity of female hormones. So how do you know you have a hormonal imbalance? Take a close peek in the mirror at your skin. What is the quality of your complexion? Has it changed? And examine your overall health. Are you more tired than you used to be? Does it seem as if you catch every little bug that is making the rounds? If you have experienced one or more of these symptoms, you are not alone. We live in a very stressful world that takes a toll on the body’s production of nourishing hormones. The solution is simple — a course of restorative hormone therapy using bio-identical plant-based hormones to give you that boost in energy and vitality you’ve been wanting for so long. As with any medical regimen, you should seek the expertise of a competent health care provider experienced in administering bio-identical hormone therapy. Get ready to feel great!

Side effects of normal aging

96079146 - senior couple walking their bike along happily talking happily.Aging is a natural part of life that everyone undergoes.

We all experience aging in different ways, primarily determined by our lifestyle. Aging is a process and it takes place throughout our entire life-span.

Our bodies are not spared in the aging process. We may put on a bit of weight or occasionally experience joint pains. These are all signs of normal aging.

We will take you through the most common side effects of normal aging below so you know what to expect. If you are already feeling any of these, rest assured, these signs are normal.

Vision trouble

If you are in your 40s or older, you are probably reading this while wearing glasses. Trouble with vision is a normal aging progression, so fear not. At and around this age, eye-disorders are common. The most common eyesight issue is known as Presbyopia. It occurs when the lens become stiff and neglect to properly adjust to refocus from distance to near vision.

Cataracts come later on. These are commonly described as the clouding of lens as it begins to affect your vision especially in your 60s. increased risk of cataracts is caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight.

You can help to create sight longevity by:

  • Scheduling regular checkups and following the doctors advise on using corrective lenses.
  • Wearing protective sun glasses while in bright sunlight. The glasses can and should be recommended by an optician.

Hearing Loss

The majority of people above the age of 60 have some kind of hearing problem. Hearing loss is a condition known as Presbycusis. It is caused by loss of sensory receptors in the inner year. You may start hearing sounds muffled or you may be unable to understand high-pitched voices. These are some of the most common symptoms. Men generally tend to experience hearing loss more than women.

Below are ways in which you can improve your ear health:

  • Ensure you regularly visit your doctor for check ups.
  • Wear corrective devices if you are advised by a doctor to do so.
  • Use earplugs when you are around loud noises such as machinery and concerts.

Thin and Fragile Skin

As you age, you skin will start to thin and become less elastic and more fragile. This is because fatty tissue below the skin decreases. You produce less natural oils therefore your skin becomes drier. You develop wrinkles, skin tags and age spots. Don’t stress. There are actions to take in order to mitigate the risks of thin and fragile skin issues.

To promote healthy skin you can:

  • Use sunscreen and wear protective clothing when outdoors.
  • Eat a healthy diet and include more fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Be gentle on your skin. Shower in warm (not hot) water.
  • Use mild soaps and moisturizer.
  • Avoid smoking.

Decrease in Strength

As we age, the following changes takes place in our bodies:

  • We lose muscle tissue
  • The muscles become more rigid and less toned
  • Internal organs lose their extra reserve
  • The walls of the heart become thicker and heart rate slows
  • Arteries become stiffer

These changes affect our overall stamina. We are no longer able to do things we did in our younger years such as vigorous exercising. We may experience fatigue when we carry strenuous activities.

Weight training and stretching works to improve strength and flexibility. Perform light exercises such as walking to help maintain functional strength and increase your stamina. The bones, joints and muscles are the most affected by decrease in strength.

Here are ways you can improve overall strength and functionality:

  • Increase calcium intake in your diet. Sources of calcium include: dairy products, salmon, tofu, broccoli and kale.
  • Get adequate amounts of vitamin D both in your diet and from sunlight. Dietary sources of vitamin D are: eggs, salmon and tuna.
  • Avoid substance abuse such as alcohol and smoking.

High Blood Pressure

Changes that our bodies experience when we age make us vulnerable to some medical conditions; high blood pressure being the most common especially for the 60+ age group. Blood vessels inevitably lose elasticity with age. This stiffness contributes to high blood pressure.

Some factors that may cause high blood pressure include:

  • Aging
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Obesity
  • Increased sodium consumption

To maintain healthy blood pressure, you can:

  • Watch your waistline and avoid adding extra pounds.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat a healthy diet, and lower sodium intake.
  • Reduce undo stress.

Memory Loss

Subtle changes in memory occur naturally as we age. Older people find it harder to multi-task. They also experience difficulty in learning and retaining new information. This is due to general information processing slower as we grow older. The occasional memory lapses such as forgetting where you placed your keys, are normal with age.

Taking these steps now may help improve overall cognitive health:

  • Have a physical exercise plan in your daily routine. It will improve your brain function, reduce stress and depression.
  • Avoid alcohol which leads to confusion and memory loss.
  • Increase your social connections to avoid stress and depression. Depression and stress contributes to memory loss
  • Avoid smoking.

We understand aging can be a daunting process to experience. If you have any questions regarding the natural effects of aging, or health issues in general, please reach out to us here today.

Curious about matcha tea? Here are the basics

fresh breakfast with hot coffee and reading book in morning sunlightAll the people “in the know” seem to know a good bit about match tea. After all, their social media feeds are populated with pics of this green, frothy tea. But what, exactly, is it? And it is any good?

Matcha and this tea is continuing to gain in popularity. If you’ve been curious about it (the photos are beautiful and enticing, after all), we’re breaking it down for you.

Matcha is a caffeinated green tea that can be used in lattes and baked goods. Because matcha is the often discarded green tea leaves that have been ground into a powder, it’s very different than the green tea you may be used to. Matcha yields a stronger and deeper flavor than steeped green tea.

While matcha is known for its bright green hue, it has stuck around in our lives for all the health benefits it can provide. Matcha is very high in antioxidants, making it a protector against cancer and heart disease. Even though a cup of matcha and a cup of coffee are caffeine equals, matcha’s calming qualities may result in a less jittery alertness. Matcha is also known for helping to reduce feelings of anxiety and enhancing mood.

To prepare matcha, use it to make a latte (just like you would with coffee grounds) and pair it with your favorite milk, protein powders, adaptogens and sweeteners. Matcha has a strong flavor and experimenting with add-ins may be necessary to get the right balance for your tastes. High quality matcha is more palatable; unfortunately, there are a lot of low quality matcha teas out there, so ensure you buy the fresh, pure matcha for the best product and flavor you can get. Fair warning: the price tag can get a little high for the good stuff.

Go ahead and give matcha a try! Find a combination you love and pretty soon you’ll join in on the matcha drink sharing phenomenon happening online.

Maintaining a positive attitude regardless of current circumstances

39567160_SFar too often we allow the uncontrollable to inevitably control us. To control our thoughts, our actions, and our reactions. To allow for current circumstances and our surroundings to dictate our emotions is making one of the boldest statements of all. Let me explain.

To sit back and let life wash over you “the way it may” and chalk it up to happenstance so you do not have to choose is ultimately the grandest choice of all. When in fact the only thing we have complete and consistent control over is our thoughts, attitude, and actions. Our cognitive awareness and mental stability play a prominent role in the quality of our lives and functionality of our health in general.

So how does it work? How does one maintain a positive attitude and conscious awareness in the midst of chaos?

By paying attention.

It really is that simple. The human mind can have upwards of 60,000 thoughts per day. That’s a daunting task to try to mitigate and control every single one, so instead, just pay attention to how you’re feeling during the day. The thoughts you are giving attention directly effects your emotions set point. If you’re feeling anxious, scared, or stressed, then the predominance of your thoughts must be negative or worrisome in nature.

The shift can be relatively simple in theory. Instead of a thought about sickness, choose a happy thought about being outside on a picnic with your family. Choose a happy memory or create one completely from scratch in your minds eye. You’ll notice you may even smile. This is the beginning of your emotional shift. You can’t go from sad to happy instantly – that would be inaccurate. But instead slowly progress to more positive thoughts so that the majority are happy in nature.

Be attentive to the information you absorb.

So often we find ourselves glued in front of the television mindlessly soaking in all the devastating news seemingly encompassing the world. This will absolutely have an impact on your mental state and cognitive awareness.

If you are constantly looking at, engaging in, and expecting negative events, then rest assured, you will absolutely witness more negative interactions on a comprehensive scale.

The power of positivity is very much a real thing. This does not mean to bury your head in the sand and ignore all the bad things that do in fact occur on a daily basis. No, but instead notice them enough to be informed and then choose to believe that hate and cruelty are out of your control. Stressing about these things are counter-intuitive and pointless. Focus on only what you have control over. Your mind, your health, the food you choose to fuel your body with, your family’s well being, and hard work.

Gentle shifts encouraging minor increases in your daily output and productivity can heed wonders of progressive adaptation one year from now.

How do you choose to live?

We discuss this periodically here at Proactive Wellness Centers – how making a choice to live healthy and truly engaged are vital to the longevity and quality of your life and even those around you. Do you make the conscious choice to move your body daily at least 30 minutes a day? Do you choose to take the time to cook your food at home instead of swinging through the drive thru on your way home from work?

Convenience is hardly ever synonymous with accuracy.

Set goals, make plans, and track your results. When your body is healthy, your mind can be. Or when you begin with your mind, you’ll also begin to make the necessary adjustments to have your body line up with your new mental clarity. You cannot have a sick mind and a healthy body, just like you can’t have a sick body and a healthy mind. We are meant to be in sync with ourselves both mentally and physically.

Obviously, there are unwarranted health circumstances that can negatively impact your overall morale and general wellbeing. The result remains – how with that affect your emotional intelligence, your cognitive awareness, and ultimately your attitude and response to your current circumstances.

Remember, your attitude is the only thing you have complete control over.

The only way to control your world, is to control your mind. Try shifting some of your thoughts today to a more intentional and positive scenario. Just start with one and add on from there. Remember, slow and steady allows for you to maintain motivation and focus without burning out or losing interest in where your intentions were previously set.

If you would like to discuss some mental clarity and overall health techniques, please feel free to reach out to us at any time. We look forward to speaking with you.