Toxcity and Detoxification Programs
Most people believe that if they eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, avoid cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption that good health will follow. All of these strategies are indeed important; however, we cannot ignore the impact that the environment has on an individual’s overall health. There are more than 80,000 active chemicals in production in the United States, and our bodies have become a virtual dumping ground for thousands of toxic chemicals that have invaded our air, water and food supply.
The bottom line is that if you’re breathing, eating, drinking or bathing, you are being exposed to toxins. There is no way to live in this world and avoid them. Not only do we have to concern ourselves about the chemicals in our environment, we must also understand the impact of heavy metal exposure and its impact upon our health. Cadmium, aluminum, mercury, antimony, lead and arsenic are some of the heavy metals that have been added to the food chain by industrial discharges, pesticide runoff, manufacturing smokestacks as well as automobile and commercial vehicle exhaust. Also, the mercury that is in silver amalgams can be a chronic source of heavy metal exposure.
So, how can you determine if the environment has challenged your health?
Are you tired, cannot lose weight, have chronically low body temperature, moody, suffer from ADD or have memory problems, have unstable blood sugar and overwhelming carbohydrate cravings, developed rashes or skin problems, have high cholesterol or yeast overgrowth?
If you have answered yes to any of these symptoms, there is a distinct possibility that the toxic environment may be a contributor to your health issues. What happens is that these chemicals are stored in different parts of the body and accumulate at different rates and in different combinations. As they build up over a period of time, they can alter our metabolism, cause enzyme dysfunction and nutritional deficiencies, create hormonal imbalance, alter brain chemistry and can potentially cause cancer.
The saving grace is that our bodies have a “built in” detoxification system. Phase I enzymes and minerals work to remove toxic material from the body, and Phase II is a powerful detoxifier called glutathione which sends chemicals through the liver and eventually the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. This “built in” detoxification system, however, was not created to deal with literally thousands of chemical assaults on our bodies. Fortunately, there are protocols of diet, supplements and chelating agents that are designed to help optimize our body’s ability to clear our bodies of toxic chemicals and heavy metals.
If you’re not convinced that environmental toxicity can negatively impact your health, there are laboratory tests that inform you as to how your body is dealing with the inevitable toxic burden. Based on two years of research, earlier this year, we added two detoxification programs to the practice. Read below to learn more..
Detoxification Programs
Liver and Colon Detoxification. This program is formulated to detoxify the liver and colon and is produced by Xymogen. Given the toxic burden in our environment, this program is recommended for most patients. To learn more or to purchase this program, click here.
Toxic Metals Detoxification. The other detoxification program that we have added is designed to detoxify the body of toxic metals. These products are formulated by Bioimmune. If you are a patient, we will be checking for signs of toxic burden, but if you suspect that you may have had high exposure to mercury and other toxic metals, feel free to contact us to proactively address your toxcity concerns. To learn more or to purchase this program, click here.
Adrenal Essence™ is a comprehensive blend of standardized extracts of highest quality adaptogenic herbs and three relevant B vitamins. These ingredients support the body’s stress response by aiding in adrenal hormone production and assisting in stress adaptation. The formula is designed to reduce stress-induced fatigue and exhaustion, protect tissues from free radicals and may aid in stimulating the body’s immune system.