All about the C-reactive protein
You hear about inflammation all the time these days. From scientific articles to social media posts, inflammation in the body is a hot topic. And, with chronic inflammation diseases on the rise, researchers have been throwing everything they’ve got into determining the root cause of some of these conditions, which is where the C-reactive protein comes in.
Also known as CRP, the C-reactive protein is an inflammatory protein that is discovered via blood tests. When it is found, this information provides one of the best ways to measure inflammation levels. CRP is a naturally occurring protein, meaning your body uses it all the time to help control inflammation levels and fight bodily invaders.
But like almost anything else, too much of a good thing can wind up being bad. CRP levels that are significantly higher than normal levels could be a sign of something deeper going on. Since CRP is a non-specific protein, the levels of it within your body merely tell you that your inflammation is too high, rather than what the actual problem is.
Still, it has been shown that CRP is abnormally high in the presence of the following conditions:
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Lupus
- Inflammatory Bowel Disorder
- Chronic Fatigue
- High Blood Pressure
- Metabolic Syndromes
- Sleep Apnea
While lowering your CRP should be something you discuss with your physician or functional medicine provider, there are immediate steps you can take to ensure inflammation within your body is under control, including cutting back on your sugar intake and increasing your levels of B vitamin intake.
As modern medicine continues to discover the myriad of reasons why inflammation disorders occur, findings like that of CRP go a long way to helping doctors and patients uncover the truth about all-too-common runaway inflammation.