Four things to keep in mind when practicing prenatal yoga
The practice of yoga comes with its set of health benefits. You can expect increased flexibility and for your body to make positive physical changes, such as increased muscle tone and a more lean physique. You may notice that you have better posture the more you practice, an increase in energy, and better circulatory health. Yoga also helps boost the immune system, can increase blood flow, and contributes to an overall sense of relaxation and mindfulness.
Whether you’re new to the practice or consider yourself a yogi, practicing yoga while pregnant can come with its own set of precautions due to your already changing body.
Here are our tips for a safe and effective yoga session:
Drink plenty of water.
While yoga can be relaxing, it’s still a workout. Your daily fluid intake may have already increased due to pregnancy, and you don’t want to let that slip during this or any other exercise.
Be careful during horizontal postures.
Postures that involve you lying on your back can put pressure on parts of your body that support maternal cardiac health, as well as fetal oxygen health. Lying on your stomach can also get very uncomfortable very fast.
Understand your center of gravity.
As you progress in pregnancy, your center of body mass shifts, with an increased likelihood of losing your balance. A fall during pregnancy can be dangerous so, for any balancing poses, we suggest holding on to a sturdy object for support.
Listen to your body.
Even if you’ve been practicing yoga for a long period of time, pregnancy changes the way your body responds to the practice. Listen to your body and take care of yourself should you experience lightheadedness, headaches, or anything else that is even slightly out of the norm for you. It’s best to be safe!
There are plenty of benefits to prenatal yoga, including improved sleep (a necessity during this time), decreased lower back pain, and improved muscle flexibility and endurance that’ll help during the birthing process. Before beginning any practice, always be sure to check in with your health care provider to make sure yoga is okay for you and your unique situation.
Now, go on and enjoy your prenatal yoga session. Namaste.