Inflammation is the common denominator
When you look at all the major health ailments out there, they tend to have one common denominator: inflammation. Whether you suffer from heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer or even depression, in many cases the root cause can be found alongside inflammation or one sort or another.
Inflammatory diseases by themselves run the gamut, affecting many, many millions of people all over the world. Even more troubling, rates of these diseases and conditions appears to only be rising.
Traditional medicine teaches us that the best way to deal with inflammation is to essentially mask it through medication. In some cases, even immune suppressing drugs are used.
Yet, the missing piece lies at the root of the problem, which is that physicians are not normally trained to find the underlying cause of the inflammation. In a treatment-focused medical atmosphere, prevention and cure come few and far between.
Fortunately, more and more providers and patients are learning about an approach designed to address whatever is causing the inflammation and eliminate it, rather than merely mask the symptoms. Functional medicine, which takes a systemic approach to your health, focuses on uncovering health issues that may be related, yet still unknown.
Autoimmune problems are related by a specific biochemical process. When your body’s immune response is to attack its own tissues, you wind up with major inflammation that can hamper other systems throughout the body. Whether you suffer from allergies or arthritis, medicating the symptom is not the answer.
Get fully functional and find the root cause of the problem. Your body will thank you. Not sure where to start?, we can help.