Five easy steps to start living a green life
Green living — what many thought was a trend has officially found its place. It’s a lifestyle change that’s picking up steam, settling into the lives of many who are looking for a more natural, non-toxic and healthier lifestyle.
It’s true that what you put in and on your body makes a difference. Skin care, beauty products, food and home cleansers are all areas of concern for many. There’s a desire to use products that we can all feel good about, for ourselves, and for our children and pets.
But, getting started can be overwhelming and you may wonder, do I need to throw away everything I own? In short, the answer is no. Here’s how you can make the switch in a transitional way.
1. Take inventory and do your research.
Break all of your possessions into categories, depending on what it’s used for and then take a look at the Think Dirty app. Scan your products’ barcodes and learn how safe and non-toxic they are…or aren’t. You’ll quickly pick up on the ingredients that are red-flagged as being less than ideal. Spend some time researching these ingredients so you know what to look out for.
2. Adjust your budget.
Whether or not you already have a budget in place for household expenses, redo it. The truth is that organic and sustainable foods typically cost more than their counterparts and if you aren’t financially prepared, it can be discouraging.
3. Buy in bulk.
Many warehouse clubs offer more cost-effective natural and organic options because you’re buying in bulk. Your total bill may be higher than what you’re used to at your corner grocery store, but your cost per ounce should be lower and the product will last longer.
4. Replace as you go.
Sure, once you’re educated about your ingredients, the idea of continuing to consume them is a little scary. Unless you’re willing to spend the money on a complete overhaul, just replace as you go. Once a cleaning product runs out, replace it with it’s non-toxic counterpart.
5. Sign up for curated boxes.
You probably have products that work for you. When it comes to replacing them, you want to make sure you aren’t on a wild, and expensive, goose chase to find something else that’s equally good. Invest a little bit of money in trying out curated boxes, like The Detox Box.
Join the number of people who have found success in living a green lifestyle. Adopting non-toxic products into your routine will give you peace of mind knowing that you’re surrounding yourself with healthier alternatives.