Four things to keep in mind when practicing prenatal yoga

The practice of yoga comes with its set of health benefits. You can expect increased flexibility and for your body to make positive physical changes, such as increased muscle tone and a more lean physique. You may notice that you have better posture the more you practice, an increase in energy, and better circulatory health. Yoga also helps boost the immune system, can increase blood flow, and contributes to an overall sense of relaxation and mindfulness.


Whether you’re new to the practice or consider yourself a yogi, practicing yoga while pregnant can come with its own set of precautions due to your already changing body.

Here are our tips for a safe and effective yoga session:

Drink plenty of water.
While yoga can be relaxing, it’s still a workout. Your daily fluid intake may have already increased due to pregnancy, and you don’t want to let that slip during this or any other exercise.

Be careful during horizontal postures.
Postures that involve you lying on your back can put pressure on parts of your body that support maternal cardiac health, as well as fetal oxygen health. Lying on your stomach can also get very uncomfortable very fast.

Understand your center of gravity.
As you progress in pregnancy, your center of body mass shifts, with an increased likelihood of losing your balance. A fall during pregnancy can be dangerous so, for any balancing poses, we suggest holding on to a sturdy object for support.

Listen to your body.
Even if you’ve been practicing yoga for a long period of time, pregnancy changes the way your body responds to the practice. Listen to your body and take care of yourself should you experience lightheadedness, headaches, or anything else that is even slightly out of the norm for you. It’s best to be safe!

There are plenty of benefits to prenatal yoga, including improved sleep (a necessity during this time), decreased lower back pain, and improved muscle flexibility and endurance that’ll help during the birthing process. Before beginning any practice, always be sure to check in with your health care provider to make sure yoga is okay for you and your unique situation.

Now, go on and enjoy your prenatal yoga session. Namaste.

Heart attack prevention – steps to take

20688446_MHeart disease (also known as cardiovascular diseases) are conditions that involve restricted or blocked blood vessels that may lead to heart attack, stroke, or chest pain (angina). It is the number one cause of death in the United States, claiming the lives of about 655,000 people annually. The irony, however, is that many people don’t take steps to protect themselves from it, even though these steps are simple.

Several things raise the risk of heart disease and they are called ‘risk factors.’ Some of them are beyond your control. Examples include age, gender, race or ethnicity, family history, and genetics, among many others. Fortunately, some things are within your control that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This post explores some of the most important ones.

Stop Smoking

If you’ve never smoked, that’s perfect! If you do, you should stop now! Cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals that damage your heart vessel over time. These chemicals are so pernicious that even if you’ve stopped smoking a long time ago, your heart might still be at risk. For former chronic smokers, it takes a long time for heart damages to be repaired, but some never get restored.

Furthermore, reduce exposure to secondhand smoke. A study by the FDA showed that secondhand smoke increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 25% to 30%.

The good news is that if you quit smoking, after about a year, your risk of heart disease drops to about half that of a smoker.

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Once low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol starts to build in the bloodstream, it gets deposited inside your coronary arteries, which restricts blood flow. They may even rupture. This leads to the spewing of chemicals that accelerate the formation of blood clots, which prevents oxygen-carrying blood from reaching the heart. This may, invariably, lead to a heart attack. Triglycerides are another type of fat found in the blood and they typically increase the risk of coronary artery disease, especially in women.

That’s why it is important to keep your cholesterol level in check. Healthy diets, medication, and regular exercise will help with that.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Do you know that more than two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese? This is scary considering, for most people, their lifestyle is the primary contributing factor. Being overweight or obese can result in high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. These conditions, in turn, increases your risk of heart disease.

The BMI is an important metric used to determine if your weight is healthy, based on your weight and height. A BMI of over 25 is considered unhealthy. Dieting, exercising, and medication can help you lose weight.

Eat Healthy Foods

Certain foods increase your risk of developing heart disease. Some of them include salt, sugar, processed carbohydrates, saturated fat (in full-fat dairy products and red meat), and trans fat (in fast foods, baked goods, and chips). Try to limit their intake.

Instead, opt for heart-healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, beans and other legumes, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil. Remember, you are what you eat!

Exercise Regularly

Being active and doing exercise is beneficial for the body system. It helps to lower blood pressure, enhance blood circulation, and keep your heart and blood vessels in good condition. Furthermore, it helps to burn calories, which can help lose weight, which, in turn, lowers your blood pressure.

The great thing is that you do not need to engage in strenuous activities like football and squash to reap from the benefits of exercise. Low-impact exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling will help you stay fit.

Reduce Alcohol Intake

If you must drink, then you should limit it to less than 14 units per week. Fourteen units are equivalent to 10 small glasses of low-strength wine or 6 pints of average-strength beer. Moreover, spread your drinking over three or more days.

Excessive alcohol intake increases calories, which might cause weight gain. It also raises your blood pressure and cholesterol, which increases your risk of a heart attack. Avoid binge drinking because it may cause a sudden spike in your blood pressure, which can be harmful.

Manage Stress

We live in a fast-paced world where many people develop unhealthy lifestyles to cope with stress – such as drinking, overeating, or smoking. As you’ve seen, all these habits substantially increase your risk of heart disease. Extreme stress is also a trigger for heart attack.

That’s why it’s important to manage your stress properly. Exercising, relaxation routines, listening to music, yoga, and meditating are more effective ways of dealing with stress.

Get Sufficient Sleep

Many people underplay the importance of sleep in maintaining good health. Not getting sufficient sleep is bad and it increases the risk of having a heart attack. Moreover, disruptive sleep conditions like sleep apnea and insomnia increase the risk of heart disease.

Most healthy adults need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night to function at their best. Plan your day better so you can get a good night’s rest. If you have a sleep problem that disrupts your sleep, seek medical help.

Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is a risk factor for diabetic heart disease. Risk factors for diabetes include being overweight and genetics. Diabetes results in high blood sugar which damages the blood vessels and nerves that control the heart and blood vessel. Early detection can help you make the necessary lifestyle changes that can help minimize its impact. Therefore, it’s important to get tested for diabetes.

Get Regular Health Screenings

Many people have underlying health conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. But without regular screenings, it remains undetected until the problem becomes worse. That’s why it’s important to have regular blood pressure screening; at least once every one or two years. Moreover, adults should have their cholesterol level measured, at least, once every 4 to 6 years.

If any of this condition is detected on time, your doctor may prescribe medication or recommend lifestyle changes that will help reduce the risk of further complications. Make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions.

Reach out to us today with any questions you may have.

Should you be dry brushing?

Brushing is a part of your daily routine. You brush your hair, you brush your teeth, you brush your body. Wait, what?16577608_M

Dry brushing is a process that involves brushing your skin with a natural brush to remove toxins from your body. It may sound odd, but if it’s not a part of your routine, you may benefit from adding it in. But, what exactly is dry brushing, what does it do, how do you do it and does the brush you use matter? We have answers to some of your most frequently asked dry brushing questions.

What exactly is dry brushing?
Dry brushing is actually a process that’s been around for an incredibly long time. When you dry brush, you’re stimulating your lymphatic system, which is responsible for draining the toxins from your body. Dry brushing is exactly as it sounds — running a dry brush over your skin.

What does dry brushing do?
Besides stimulate your lymphatic system, dry brushing has been said to reduce the appearance of cellulite, exfoliate dead skin and unclog pores. Dry brushing also gives a natural energy boost so a morning dry brushing session may help to get you prepared and invigorated for the day ahead.

How do you dry brush?
Dry brushing is easy. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Without using too much pressure, start at your feet and work your way up.
  2. Always brush toward the center of your body. The lymphatic system drains in your chest so brushing in this direction will help the entire process.
  3. Either use firm, small strokes upwards, or brush in an upward, circular motion.
  4. Brush your stomach in a counterclockwise motion for best results.
  5. Go over each area of your skin several times. There should be some major overlap.

Although it’s called dry brushing, you can use a little bit of body oil on your brush, which will transfer nicely to your skin and help exfoliate.

Does the brush you use matter?
It can. There are a number of dry brushes on the market so first, trying holding onto different kinds. You may like handheld dry brushes, or you may prefer dry brushes with a handle so it’s easier to reach your back. The bristles of your brush should be firm, but shouldn’t be too stiff or require a lot of pressure to brush effectively.

If you brush once or twice a day, you’ll likely experience the benefits. It’ll become a healthy habit that is easily incorporated into your routine and becomes just as “normal” as brushing the other parts of your body.

Integrative medicines role in treating illnesses

Conceptual mental exercise.What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative medicine involves the use of appropriate healthcare professionals, therapeutic approaches and the disciplines to reach optimal healing and health. It focuses on the entire body and combines conventional medical therapy with other therapies.

Integrative medicine aims to maintain and restore the wellness and health of a person by comprehending the patient’s overall health condition, including spiritual and psychological dimensions. It also considers the patient’s biological, psycho-social., behavioral, and environmental factors.

The following are the principles that define the use of integrative medicine:

  • The practitioner and the patient are companions in the process of healing.
  • The factors that affect wellness, disease, and health are taken into account such as the body, spirit, mind, community, etc.
  • Less invasive, effective, and natural interventions are used during the healing process.
  • The practitioners take the help of the healing sciences to allow the body to respond to innate healing.
  • Good science makes good medicine which is available for new paradigms.
  • Along with the concepts of medicinal treatment, there is a broader concept of wellness and health promotion and how to prevent illness.
  • Personalized care based on the needs and conditions and circumstances of the patient.

Integrative Medicine and its Benefits

The practice of integrative medicine integrates the latest scientific medical treatment protocols with conventional medical treatments or therapies.

The benefits of practicing integrative medicine are as follows:

  • A broad approach to wellness and carethe best thing about integrative medicine is that it combines conventional medicine which is based on evidence and alternative medicine. For instance, conventional treatments for backaches are sometimes ineffective, and in that situation, your practitioner may provide you with osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT) or acupuncture, an anti-inflammatory diet plan, or massage therapy.
  • Treatment of the person, not only the disease or condition – When your provider is applying integrative medicine to treat your problem, the emphasis is given on all the important factors that affect your health, be it physical, behavioral, biological, environmental, or psychosocial. So, you get an overall treatment of not just your physical body or health but also your mental health, your community, etc.
  • Creating a foundation for your overall wellness and health – We have already learned about how integrative medicine treats the overall condition of the body. Hence, it involves making a groundwork for better overall health. This kind of treatment actively addresses the nutritional status like food allergies or vitamin deficiencies, immunity systems like an inflammatory burden or gut health, environmental toxins such as occupational hazards, pesticides present in food, etc and also hormonal imbalances.
  • Prevention of future health problems before they arise – Integrative medicine is synonymous with preventive medicine. This means integrative medicine is the best treatment through which you can secure future health by learning or gaining full knowledge about your present health status and exploring ways to address the medical health issues proactively, much before they arise.
  • Integrative medicines can relate to both specialty and primary care – integrative medicinal treatment can be applied in both primary as well as specialty care such as pain management, gastroenterology, and psychiatry.

When should I go for Integrative Medicine?

People go for integrative medicine for various reasons but several studies have shown that most of them pursue it because they find integrative medicine better aligned with their beliefs, philosophies, and values regarding their life and health over the rigid and restrictive conventional medical treatments.

The customizable personal care that comes with the practice of integrative medicine is preferred by most of the patients. They feel that turning to an integrative approach will let them achieve the best health and will also enable them to maintain it. In fact, studies at Duke Integrative Medicine prove that those who take part in integrative medicine treatment experience more insightful and intense health benefits than those who do not participate in integrative medicine.

Many of the integrative medicinal treatments are not that old. They include certain herbal treatments and acupuncture as well which have been around the medicinal approach for more since ages. People are experiencing these therapies in managing pain combined with modern techniques. Scientists and health care workers find integrative medicine to be more useful since it gives positive outcomes for a variety of pain and illnesses. So, integrative medicines role in treating illnesses is going to be increasing in future for sure.

Conclusive Thoughts

We, at Proactive Wellness Centers, aim to help our patients achieve optimal health and functional efficiency one individualized plan at a time. Your health is important to us. We understand that issues around your well being can be intimidating. If you have any questions you would like to discuss with us, please feel free to contact us here today.

We’re looking forward to learning more about you!


Why an apple a day may actually keep the doctor away

We’ve all heard of the adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” The original phrase was, “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” There have been many iterations of this popular saying, but the meaning behind it remains the same: apples do a body good. 62200725_S

Turns out that apples are incredibly beneficial. In fact, you can even find apples in some of the traditional medicine from southern Asia some 1,500 years ago!

Especially during the winter, when apples of all varieties are plentiful, why not enjoy one a day? Here are some benefits you can expect.

1. Apples are filled with vitamins. You can find a pretty good dose of vitamins C (for immunity and body tissues), B6 (for brain development and function) and A (for vision and immunity).

2. They’ll help contribute to your daily fiber intake. If you want to keep your cholesterol low and your digestive health high, apples can help you do just that due to their soluble fiber. Fiber is for more than digestive health and helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

3. Apples act as a toothbrush. Apples naturally clean teeth and kill bacteria in your mouth, which helps you avoid tooth decay. Tooth decay can affect other organs in your body, like your heart.

4. They are chock-full of antioxidants. Antioxidants may help lower your risk of cancer, infection and other diseases.

5. Apples contain important minerals. Apples contain their fair share of calcium (for strong bones), iron (for oxygen transport to the blood) and potassium (for consistent blood pressure).

Did you know that the skin of the apple is the most nutritious part? If you want to absorb all of the nutrients you possibly can from this fine fruit, keep the peel on and enjoy!

How nutrition plays a role in your health

Grocery shopping cart conceptIn today’s world, we have access to a wider variety of food than at any other point in human history. However, the irony is that we have picked up unhealthy eating habits that have led to the proliferation of diseases of civilization, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and even cancer.

Your food choices each day play an impact on your health – how you feel today, how you will feel tomorrow, and far into the future. Why? The food we eat gives our body the materials and ‘information’ that ensure its proper functioning.

When the food we consume lacks all the necessary nutrients, some important information is not sent and it may result in several deficiencies. On the other hand, eating too much or consuming unhealthy sends the wrong message which leads to abnormal metabolic processes that can result in overweight and a couple of other diseases like diabetes.

These nutrients are the so-called ‘information’. Nutrients are nourishing substances essential for the growth, development, and maintenance of bodily functions. That’s why the role of nutrition cannot be overemphasized.

This post is going to explore the relationship between nutrition and some major chronic diseases.

Nutrition and Chronic Diseases

Many of the chronic health problems we face today can be linked to unhealthy eating habits. In America, over 78% of healthcare expenditures are for the treatment of chronic diseases. This is a fundamental societal problem considering that the United States ranks ninth in life expectancy among nations of the developed world. One major impact of poor nutrition in America is that we have a workforce plagued with absenteeism and reduced productivity due to chronic diseases.

Here are some of the major diseases we battle with as a society and now they can be ameliorated with proper nutrition.

Cardiovascular Disease

Do you know that heart disease is the number 1 killer of both men and women in America, killing about 647,000 people each year? Aside from unchangeable risk factors like age, and family history, it can also be caused by correctable problems like unhealthy diet, being overweight, lack of exercise, and smoking.

Heart disease results from the narrowing of the arteries that supply the heart with blood through a process known as atherosclerosis. Diet high in saturated fats and cholesterol increases the risk of blood clotting. Diets rich in sodium can cause high blood pressure which is a risk factor for heart disease. Consuming alcohol increases the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Here are some healthy eating habits to adopt to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Pay attention to your calorie intake: Watch your calorie intake to ensure that you maintain a healthy weight, as obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. And by the way, about 40% of American adults are obese.

Do not consume food that is high in saturated and trans fat.

Limit red meat intake: Someone with a risk for heart disease should not obtain their protein from red meat. Rather, poultry, fish, and nuts are great alternatives. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish can help lower the risk of coronary artery disease.

Avoid Sugar: Simple sugar in beverages like soda and juice should be avoided as they provide no nutrients but add calories.


A report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that over 100 million U.S. adults are living with diabetes or prediabetes. And as it stands, diabetes is the 7th in the leading causes of death in the United States.

Diabetes is caused when the body produces an insufficient amount of insulin or the body is unable to properly make use of the produced insulin. These two scenarios result in type 1 and type 2 diabetes respectively.

Many factors including genetics, exercise, and more influence diabetes, but food also plays a crucial role. A diet high in fat, calories, and cholesterol increases the risk of diabetes and other health problems.

Some eating advice that should be adopted by people with diabetes and people that want to lower their risk factor of having diabetes include:

Pay attention to the fat you consume: People with diabetes have a higher risk of heart disease. By limiting the amount of saturated and trans fat consumed, it significantly lowers their risk of heart attack and stroke.

Drastically limit red meat intake: plant-based protein sources like beans should be adopted, as well as poultry, eggs, and seafood.

Eat nutritious grains: Foods like whole oats, quinoa, whole-grain barley, and whole-grain popcorn (without butter) are healthy food choices.

Fruits are a must: To satisfy your sugar cravings, do so with fruits; preferably fresh fruits.

Eat nutrient-filled vegetables: Non-starchy veggies like broccoli, onion, green beans, and tomatoes are low in calories and carbohydrates, making them suitable for diabetics.

Lung Disease

Most people are surprised when they find out that the food they eat may affect their breathing. Well, when you think about it, the food serves as the fuel of the body; meaning it is responsible for providing the required nutrients to all body organs; including the lungs.

For people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), an inflammation in the lung that causes breathing problems, certain types of food can exacerbate their condition. Therefore, eating well is important. Overeating results in obesity which increase the pressure in the lungs.

Here are some nutrition tips for people diagnosed with COPD:

Eat complex carbohydrate: It can be found in foods like whole grains, fresh fruits, and veggies.

Simple carbohydrates found in soda, sweets, and candy should be avoided.

Incorporate between 20 to 30 grams of fiber into your daily diet: Foods rich in fiber include nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables.

Increase protein intake to strengthen the respiratory muscles.

Diets high in trans and saturated fat should be limited: Some example includes butter, crackers, and hydrogenated vegetable oil.


In reality, there a whole lot of other diseases that can be caused by poor nutrition. Some include:

  • Tooth decay
  • High blood pressure
  • Some types of cancer
  • Depression… and lots more.

Paying close attention to the food you consume can go a long way in helping you live a long and healthy life. Reach out to us today for more information.

Which type of meditation is right for you?

The potential benefits of meditation can be vast: less stress, improved cardiovascular health and increased self-awareness, to name a few. Meditation as a practice has been around since the prehistoric times, and while eastern holistic medicine has incorporated meditation into daily routines, it’s just starting to catch on in the west.31135020 - woman meditating practicing yoga outdoors

Meditation is a practice that spans cultures and religions. It is practiced by individuals from different economic, ethnic and educational backgrounds.

Quickly gaining in popularity, you might be curious how meditation would work for you. Here are five of the more popular types so you can decide.

Mindfulness meditation
This is the form of meditation you might be most familiar with, as it’s very popular in the west. In this type, become one with your mind and your breath. Your attention may wander at first, but bringing it back to center is what this form of meditation is all about.

Focused meditation
If you feel the need to be more attentive in your daily life, this form of meditation may be for you. It involves focusing on every aspect of a given item or activity with the intention of shutting off all other thoughts. Choose a target to focus on, get in a comfortable position, and let all other feelings escape.

Spiritual meditation
As the name suggests, this form of meditation is for those who seek spiritual growth and connection, whether that be to a higher power or nature.

Movement meditation
Movement meditation is all about focusing on the motion your body makes during an activity, like yoga. If you get anxious sitting during other types of meditation, this one can be appealing.

Transcendental meditation
The goal with this form is to transcend beyond your current state of being by breathing slowly. You might also have a mantra that you repeat for motivation and encouragement.

Remember that getting into the practice of meditation can take some time, but no matter which works best for you, meditation can help you live a healthier and happier life. When trying it out, enjoy the process and remain in the present.

Hormone decline in men

86083900 - testosterone deficiency conceptWith age, both men and women lose hormones in their bodies. It is a natural part of human aging. For women, this process is known as menopause. For the male counterpart, andropause. However, the awareness of hormone-decline in men as they age is not half as widespread as that in women.

Simply educating yourself in this natural process could mean the difference between sufficient, normal levels and rapid hormonal decline. Never become a bystander in the progression and evolution of your own health and well being. In this article, we talk about hormone decline in men as they age, its symptoms, and possible solutions for them to live a more fulfilling life even as they age.

Hormone Decline

Men possess the sex hormone testosterone that yields them masculine characteristics as they hit puberty. Development of sexual organs, penis and testes enlargement, sexual desires, facial and pubic hair, and body growth are some changes caused by testosterone at puberty.

These characteristics prevail throughout their life but towards old age, some men tend to face a decline in testosterone which causes age-related symptoms in them.

Note that, for men, the changes are not as sharp as that in women. When women experience menopause, there is a sharp decline in the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones in women. With men, these changes are slow and hard to notice.


Hormone decline in men causes a lot of gradual symptoms. These symptoms are both physical and mental.

Physical changes include low bone mineral density or low trauma fracture, fatigue, loss of energy, mood swings, erectile dysfunction (ED), decreased stamina, decreased urine flow, an increase and frequent urge to pee, breast enlargement, loss of physical agility, shrinkage of sexual organs, poor sleep quality or insomnia, accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, hair loss and patchy baldness, and night sweats

Mental and emotional changes include loss of activity, loss of mental sharpness, feeling lazy, low confidence, self-doubt, decreased motivation, depression, mood swings, anxiety, apathy, memory lapses, and short-temperedness.

As is apparent, some of these changes are so subtle that is hard to notice them. Some changes, however, are easily noticeable in a man’s day-to-day life. For instance, if you were a sound sleeper till now but are experiencing loss of sleep and mental peace due to no underlying reason whatsoever, then it can be due to hormonal loss. Or if you’re experiencing changes in your body structure such as a paunch or man boobs despite working out and eating healthy, you may want to have it checked by the doctor ones.

Checkups and Diagnosis

It is surprising that a simple blood test is all it takes to detect loss of testosterone in men. If a doctor decides to run by a regular checkup, loss of testosterone doesn’t go unnoticed. A man’s testosterone decreases by 1% yearly on an average after 40. Hence, it is best to have regular checkups in place to determine a sharp loss in testosterone levels and to overrule any other symptoms.

This being said, so many men with declining testosterone levels might not experience any symptoms at all. Or the symptoms of low testosterone are not limited to declining hormone levels.


Thankfully, like most hormonal issues, medical science also has a solution for age-related hormone decline in men. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) refers to a wide variety of methods involving pills, injections, tablets, and psychological help to restore the confidence and girth in aging men.

The Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement Therapy (BHRT) aims to replace hormones physiologically to restore hormone levels in men.

No matter which of these treatment options you chose, they are all beneficial in restoring hormone levels in some way. These treatments have been known to improve sexual performance in aging men, increase bone health, enhance sex drives, stop balding and make hair treatments more effective, improve mood and confidence, improve energy levels, yield sharp memory, and improves heart health.


The field of restoring hormonal imbalance in aging men is still in its developing stages. However, there are ample evidences to show that these treatments work effectively and restore quality of life. There have also been rumors that such treatments cause cancer but supporting evidence to prove this are far and few.

If you are an aging man suffering from any of these symptoms, don’t be taken aback. Consider having routine tests done to check your testosterone levels. Talk to your doctor about the possible treatment solutions. With help, you can get back in control of your life and lead a healthy life even as you age.

We understand that a realization such as this can be an overwhelming “pill” to swallow – but there’s proven steps that can be taken to mitigate any unwarranted decline in hormone levels. We’re here to help. Contact us today for more information.

How to maintain healthy gut health

Did you know that your gut houses the majority of the cells that make up your immune system? That explains why inflammation happens in your stomach when you aren’t feeling well. Maintaining gut health is essential to a whole body approach to healing. 40185967_M

Having a healthy gut means having a healthy body, and a strong immune system. But how do you get there? It’s easier than you may think.

First, start with food. Your gut is largely affected by the foods you eat, so identifying food intolerances might be a good place to start your journey towards healing.

Typical culprits: sugar, dairy and gluten.

No matter what you discover, a diet rich in fiber and plant-based foods is usually a really good idea. Leafy green vegetables provide vitamin K, which is linked to multiple health benefits, including the prevention of inflammatory diseases and the proliferation of good bacteria. Eat more and your gut will thank you.

To continue to make your gut happy, consider taking a probiotic. Probiotics work to help your gut maintain equilibrium and a microbial balance. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to take a supplement to get your dose of probiotics (although you could!); you can also supply yourself with some of the good stuff by eating fermented foods. One of the most common fermented foods is yogurt, or you can try kimchee, pickles or kombucha.

The key to maintaining great gut health doesn’t just lie in the gut itself, but in your habits and lifestyle. Are you stressed? Are you getting enough sleep? Feeling stressed can trigger immune responses that cause inflammation in your gut, among other body organs, and potentially cause immune diseases. So, lower your stress for strong gut health and keep your microbiome happy.

When it comes to sleep, studies show that having insomnia or a broken sleep cycle can affect your intestinal microbes, making them unhappy and prone to inflammation. Getting consistent sleep can create a nice balance.

Because whole-body health is largely impacted by our gut, maintaining a healthy gut is critical. Follow these steps and see the wonders that is complete gut happiness.

Lyme disease – causes and prevention

27280556_SThe history of Lyme disease can be traced to rural Connecticut. In 1975, a cluster of children and adults residing in Lyme, Connecticut developed atypical arthritic symptoms. Within the next two years, the first 51 cases of Lyme arthritis were recorded. More importantly, the transmission of the disease was linked to the Ixodes scapularis (black-legged) tick. Today, about 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to the CDC in the US every year. Some estimates place the ‘actual cases’ to be as high as 300,000, making Lyme disease the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. In this article, we’re going to explore what causes Lyme disease and how to prevent yourself from it.

What causes Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is an infectious caused by the Borrelia bacterium. In the United States, Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii may cause it, while Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii are the main causes of Lyme disease in Europe and Asia.

While these bacteria naturally reside in birds, deer, squirrels, mice, and other small animals, ticks become infected after they feed on infected animals. Since ticks are as small as a pinhead, they’re very difficult to spot.

Once an infected tick bites you, the bacteria permeate through the skin until it reaches the bloodstream. For transmission of the Lyme disease to be successful, the deer tick has to be attached to your skin for up over 36 hours.

Since ticks spend up to two hours on a host’s body before attaching themselves, quickly removing tick reduces the risk of infection. However, if you locate a swollen tick attached to your body, it’s a strong indication it has fed on your blood for long. If it’s an infected tick, there’s a greater chance of infection.

Risk Factors

Contrary to popular belief, ticks do not live on their host. Instead, they live close to their host so that they can attach themselves whenever they want to feed and detach themselves once done. The following are some of the common risk factors:

Staying for too long in wooded and grassy areas

Ticks are commonly found in wooded and grassy areas because of its humid and moist environment. Therefore, if you live in these kinds of places and you spend a long time outdoors, there’s an increased risk. So, activities like hunting, camping, and hiking are risk factors.

Exposing your skin

Ticks cannot fly or jump. Instead, they rub off your body as you wander past tall weeds and grasses. Having your bare flesh exposed in a tick-infested area significantly increases the risk of infection.

Prolonged attachment of ticks

The longer the tick stays attached, the higher the risk of transmission. If you’re able to spot and remove the tick from your body in less than 36 hours, it’s unlikely that you contract Lyme disease.


Lyme disease generally occurs in three stages which include:

Stage 1: Early Localized Infection

At this stage, the infection is still localized and hasn’t spread throughout the body. After being bitten by an infected tick, after about one to two weeks, a bull’s eye rash begins to appear at the site of this bite. However, in a few instances, it might appear elsewhere. This rash is formally called Erythema migrans(EM) and about 80% of Lyme infection cases experience it. It’s usually not painful or itchy.

Other symptoms that may arise at this stage include:

Fever, sore throat, fatigue, headaches, chills, enlarged lymph nodes, vision changes.

Stage 2: Early Disseminated Infection

This stage begins several weeks or months after the tick bite. The infection begins to spread to other areas of the body, explaining why rash might appear in other areas than the bite spot. Also, there’s a general sense of uneasiness in the patient. Common symptoms include:

1) Disruption in heart rhythm

2) Neurological conditions like numbness, cranial nerve palsy, and meningitis.

3) Multiple erythema migrans.

Stage 3: Late Disseminated Lyme Disease

If treatment hasn’t been received, the condition devolves into stage 3. Stage 3 can begin years after a tick bite. Common symptoms include:

1) Numbness in arms and legs; hands and feet.

2) Arthritis of multiple joints

3) Brain disorders like short-term memory loss, mental fogginess, and sleep disturbance.

It is crucial to note that these boundaries aren’t clear-cut. The symptoms you experience depends on several factors like your health history, and can widely vary or even overlap.


Preventing Lyme Disease is as easy as keeping ticks off of your body. That means staying clear of tick-infested areas, especially wooded areas or bushy areas with long grass. Here are some major things to keep in mind to help with that.

Cover your body when going outdoors

When moving in bushy or wooded areas, ensure that you wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants tucked in your socks, shoes, a hat, and gloves. Always stay along the trail and keep your dog on a leash so it doesn’t wander through low bushes and long grass.

Make your yard unattractive to ticks.

Ensure that you keep underbrush to a minimum. Mow your lawn regularly. Store woodpiles in sunny areas to discourage tick-carrying rodents.

Apply Insect Repellents

Using insect repellent to your skin will help keep ticks off. Once applied, you’d be protected for a couple of hours. DO NOT apply repellents on your children’s face and hands.

The oil of lemon eucalyptus is also a good repellent but it isn’t suitable for children under the age of three.

Be Vigilant!

Always be on alert anytime you’re in a tick-infested area. Since ticks are so tiny, spotting them can be challenging. That’s when you come back indoors, take a shower within the next hour. Within this time, the tick wouldn’t have attached itself to your body, so showering can help remove unattached ticks.

What To Do If You Find A Tick Attached To You Skin.

Remove It with Tweezers

If you find a tick on your body, put tweezers near the head of the rick and gently pull it out. Sometimes, only part of the tick gets detached. That’s why you have to check to ensure that all parts, including the head, have been removed. Thereafter, you can flush the tick down the toilet or drown it in alcohol.

After removing the tick, cleanse the area with alcohol or mild soap and water. Then thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water.

Seek Medical Attention

If you suspect that the tick has stayed on your body for long, or you begin to develop a rash or other symptoms, get medical attention. At the early stages, common antibiotics like doxycycline, amoxicillin or cefuroxime, are sufficient to stop it from spreading.

Remember that the key is to act promptly to avoid serious complications! Also, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information. We look forward to helping you!