What does our gut bacteria have to do with lupus?

61378324_MWe already know a great deal about how the bacteria that live on and within us play a huge role in our overall level of health and wellness. They are more than just simple passengers along for the ride. They play a critical symbiotic relationship with the rest of our bodies by interacting with our cells and playing host to many vital bodily functions.

Now, researchers are discovering that our gut bacteria may play a role in the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus. More commonly known as lupus, this is an autoimmune disease associated with many different systems that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissue and causes joint problems, tiredness, and rashes. Pain is associated with inflammation of the kidney, lungs, and even brain.

For a long time, little was known about what caused lupus, but a new study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine finds that one of the potential contributing factors might be the bacteria in the gut. While researchers have not stated gut bacteria may be the primary cause, factors associated with it may play a part in aggravating the condition.

The mechanism governing the actions behind lupus is the Ro60 protein, which can be found in some bacteria that lives in soil. When lupus flares up, it attacks this protein. When researchers examined whether gut bacteria produce this protein they discovered it does. For those who have lupus, the presence of Ro60 might trigger an immune response.

Researchers took bacteria that produce a similar protein in mice bred without gut bacteria. The resulting reaction was like what is seen in people who have lupus. Until now it has been assumed that lupus results from a combination of genetics, hormones, and environmental factors. It could be that those who have a genetic susceptibility to the Ro60 hormone may also be at greater risk, as the presence of this protein will put their immune system into overdrive.

As researchers continue to find the triggers responsible for autoimmune and other chronic conditions, it is likely that answers will likely continue coming from unexpected places.

How advanced peptides can aid in healing and restoration

95130023 - red heart with stethoscope, heart health,  health insurance conceptEver since the advent of insulin therapy in the 1920s, peptide therapeutics have continued to play a crucial role in medical practices. From its ability to cure bones, to its ability to act as a skin anti-aging agent, peptides have exploded in popularity.

Peptide drug discovery that was once focused on endogenous human peptides has advanced to identify peptides from many other natural sources and even medicinal chemistry approaches. Today, the United States has approved over 60 peptide drugs and over 150 have entered the human clinical trial stage. However, in recent decades, a new wave of advanced peptides that promise healing and restoration in an unprecedented manner is rising.

What exactly are peptides? How do they function? What makes them suitable for use? Do they have any associated side effects?

What Are Peptides?

Peptides are short chains of between 2 and 50 amino acids, linked by peptide bonds. Since proteins consist of over 50 amino acids, peptides can be seen as a shorter version of proteins. Like proteins, peptides are biological molecules that are produced from the transcription of a sequence of genetic code.

Every cell and tissue in a human body contains protein and peptides that perform a wide range of functions. Millions of proteins buzzing in the body serve as the machinery that directs chemical reactions, gives cell their shapes, and even help to transport useful materials around the body. However, they are limited for some functions due to their large molecule size.

Due to their diminutive size, peptides are suitable for targeting at a cellular level, making them important biological entities capable of killing microbes, treating diseases, reversing aging, reducing inflammation, bone regeneration, among many others. Scientists are only beginning to unlock the full potential of bio-active peptides.

Healing and Restoration Abilities of Advanced Peptides

Peptides have been applied to several aspects of regenerative medicine because of three major properties:

  1. Peptides can easily target a single receptor on a specific tissue with impressive accuracy.
  2. They aren’t metabolized in the liver or kidney. This prevents unwanted interactions that are associated with metabolism type drugs.
  3. They are highly selective in function, with minimal side effects.

Here are five areas where peptides have seen great advances.

Increasing Growth Hormones

Peptides like Sermorelin, GHRP 2, and GHRP 6 have long been used for increasing growth hormone levels. High growth hormone helps to maintain, build, and repair healthy tissue in the body’s organs. Advanced peptides that now finding application in this niche include:

CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin

These advanced peptides are suited for increasing growth hormone levels and Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).

CJC 1295 stimulates growth hormone (GH )secretion and its benefits include protein synthesis, reduced body fat, improved recovery, and better immune. CJC 1295 is the next generation Sermorelin – similar in structure but more effective with smaller doses.

Ipamorelin is one of the safest GH restoration used for GH deficiency treatment protocols. Unlike GHRP 6, Ipamorelin doesn’t affect the release of cortisol, aldosterone, prolactin, and acetylcholine, therefore minimizing potential side effects.

Some of the benefits of CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin include:

  • Improved energy and strength
  • Decreased body fat.
  • Increased muscle mass.
  • Enhances calcium retention.
  • Increases physical and mental performance.
  • Healthier and youthful skin.
  • Improved sexual performance.

By the time we’re 40, our growth hormone levels begin to drop. These peptides hold the promise for us to beat the susceptibilities that are associated with old age.


One key feature of old age is the deterioration of the skin. Naturally, the body produces collagen – a protein type – that helps to strengthen the skin. However, we lose 1% of our remaining collagen per year after we reach the age of 30. By slathering peptides into your skin, it signals the body to heal itself by producing more collagen where it’s most needed. That’s why a plethora of skin-care products contain peptides.

Some peptides – referred to as hexapeptides – can relax the facial muscle, thereby minimizing the formation of wrinkles. Other peptides like palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7 and oligopeptide are better suited for stimulating skin growth and repair, protection against UV damage, and fighting inflammation. Melanotan II is an advanced peptide that also provides safe tanning of the skin.

Increasing Libido

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is a form of sexual dysfunction that results in a long term disinterest in sex. People with high HSDD tend to have lower libido which negatively impacts their sexual relationship with their partners.

Peptides are have also been found to enhance the sexual drive in both men and women. Some examples include:

Melanotan II

Originally tested for its ability to serve as a sunless tanning agent, Melanotan II also demonstrated the ability to stimulate sexual desires. This peptide is administered via injection into the skin. It increases libido through the brain. It increases the desire to have sex in women and it also helps men to achieve stronger erections. Minor side effects may include nausea and headaches.


This peptide is similar to Melanotan II, except that it isn’t suited for skin tanning. Bremelanotide is also injected into the skin. Within 45 minutes, its libido-enhancing effects start to become visible. Bremelanotide has been extensively tested and is very safe with minimal or no side effects.

Restoring Immune Function

The immune system is crucial for helping the body fight against diseases. One common peptide that helps to restore immune function is Thymosin a1.

Thymosin a1

It restores and regulates immune function by augmenting T-cell function. T-cells are one of the main components of the adaptive immune system that aid in killing infected host cells, activating other immune cells, and regulating immune responses.

Patients with CIRS or Lyme have an unstable immune function and Thymosin a1 can be beneficial in helping them regulate the immune system and increase melanocyte-stimulating hormones (MSH).

Bone Healing and Regeneration

Over the past few decades, bone tissue engineering research has shown several peptides to support and stimulate bone healing responses. One common example is BPC-157.


BPC-157 is a synthetic peptide, whose peptide chain consists of 15 amino acids. Research has shown that BPC-157 has regenerative effects that can help to accelerate bone and joint healing and growth rate. For instance, experiments have confirmed its ability to help heal transected rat Achilles tendon.

Moreover, BPC-157 has been shown to benefit ulcers in the stomach, intestinal damage such as fistulas and inflammatory disorders.


Advanced peptides are becoming more important because of their ability to help with a wide array of medical conditions. Because of their preciseness in targeting specific cells on the tissue, their side effects are generally minimal. We are just at the beginning of a thousand-mile journey in understanding the full potential of peptides and harnessing its power to further improve the quality of life of the human species.

At Proactive Wellness Centers we understand how confusing health and well-being can be for an individual to fully comprehend. Let us simplify the process for you. Reach out to us today for more information.

The importance of slowing down

We are busier now more than ever. We take on more responsibility and sign up for more projects. We try to fit 36 hours worth of activities and tasks into a 24-hour period and wonder at the end of the day why we feel so drained. ????????????????????????????????????It’s not just the physical either.

Do you feel rushed throughout the day, sometimes for no apparent reason? It’s like our brains can’t just turn off; constant stimulation is something we are subconsciously striving for. But, do you ever think of how nice it would be to just take in our surroundings?

Slow down and take a moment to truly appreciate the world around us with these tips:

1. Remember that energy is finite.
Simply understanding that we don’t have to always be full of energy is beneficial enough. Allow yourself to relax knowing that your energy has a limit, but you don’t always have to get there.

2. Know that you don’t have to do it all.
There is a societal pressure to “do it all,” sometimes at our own detriment. Learn to delegate or even to let things go until another day and time.

3. Prioritize the right things.
Do you find yourself performing tasks or doing other activities and then feeling stressed at the end of the day when you didn’t accomplish what was most important? It happens, and now is the time to start prioritizing appropriately.

4. Stop and smell the roses…literally.
Take a walk in a garden, smell the flowers, and live technology-free while doing so. Studies show that performing this action actually helps you find satisfaction in life by teaching you about appreciation.

Slowing down and taking inventory of everything you have to be grateful for can do wonders for your psyche. It’s important to care for your soul and spirit so you can live with more intention and in the moment.

Leveraging genetic data for disease prevention

7544773_SFor years, genetic data has provided valuable insights into a range of diseases, from cognition and psychiatric disorders, inherited disorders such as Down Syndrome and Tay-Sachs disease, and more.

As such, genetic testing has gained rapid popularity for finding answers to one of the most targeting and focused issues that humans face – disease prevention.

What are Genetics and Genomics?

Genetics can be defined as the study of heredity. In other words, Genetics are traits that are passed down from one generation to another.

Genomics, on the other hand, is a branch of molecular biology that includes the genes and gene products of an individual. Here, genes are analyzed on their behavior with the environment and themselves.

How are Genetic tests done?

Blood samples, skin, hair, or other tissue are used to perform genetic tests. Depending on the suspected disorder, these samples are scrutinized by laboratory experts to detect abnormal chromosomes changes, proteins, or DNA. These tests can identify genetic conditions and an individual’s risk of developing or passing a genetic disorder in the future. There are over 1,000 genetic tests such as molecular genetic tests, chromosomal genetic tests, and biochemical genetic tests.

Is Genetic Data really useful?

In short? Yes.

Genetic data is considered a powerful source to manage and care for people who have common diseases and inherited diseases. Researchers spend a lot of effort to study genetics in order to increase knowledge regarding diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.

Genetic nature is defined from the day a baby is born. These genetic contributions remain until death. Therefore, using genetic data can be used to pinpoint diseases in the early stages. As a result, genetic data has become more fruitful than conventional methods such as testing blood pressure or glucose levels.

Impact of Genetic Data towards disease prevention

When someone is given a particular drug treatment, they respond differently from one another. This way the drugs’ potential can be authenticated depending on the person. This genetic variation study is called Pharmacogenomics.

This is the most reliable proof that genomics’ contribution towards creating individualized treatments and developing clinical care. Not only now, but even in the past, genetic data has been proven to impact the accuracy of finding correct medications for people. For instance, the studies between genetic variants and drug responses have managed to discover Warfarin. Warfarin is a powerful anticoagulant medication that has been recognized to prevent stroke and venous thromboembolism. Not to mention, this medication is prescribed worldwide.

Thanks to pharmacogenomics, medicine labeling has been updated with more accurate information as well. For example, Irinotecan, which is used as an anti-cancer chemotherapy drug, and variations in the gene UGT1A1 were tested. A dosing reduction label update was suggested according to the data. Genetic data revealed that patients with certain genotypes are prone to the risk of neutropenia (a condition where a person’s white blood cell count is abnormally low). Another example is the genotyping of variants in HLA-B*1502, which can potentially identify patients who are at risk for rare and fatal skin diseases such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.

New medical discoveries from Genetic Data

  1. Prevention of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

A research team at Baylor College of Medicine has discovered that certain maternal and fetal gene variants are more prone to preeclampsia. Preeclampsia leads to organ dysfunction in mothers and growth complications in babies. This happens because of blood pressure rising up suddenly. If this instantaneous elevation of blood pressure isn’t controlled, disorders such as eclampsia can threaten the life of the patient with fatal seizures. Preeclampsia and Eclampsia are responsible for 10% – 15% maternal deaths.

The causes of Preeclampsia are still unknown and this is among one of the most difficult conditions to predict. However, this particular research conducted by the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Baylor suggests that this genetic signature can potentially support women who are at risk. Moreover, this condition can be prevented by prior preparation.

  1. Breast Cancer prevention

Major Genetic study done by involving more than 450 departments and institutions from all over the world has discovered that some women with particular DNA are at a higher risk than others to have breast cancer in the future. According to Dr. Laura Fachal from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, the studies that had been conducted in the past revealed that DNA plays a huge role in breast cancer. However, it is important to gather the exact genes that are involved. This new study, on the other hand, was conducted by looking into 110,000 breast cancer patients. After the DNA comparison of these patients, researchers identified 352 risk variants. Although the exact number of targeted genes is unclear, they found 191 genes. The crucial point is, per five genes that are newly discovered, less than one had been previously identified and studied.

According to Dr. Alison Dunning from the University of Cambridge, this new study led the researchers to acquire a more intricate map of what causes and develops breast cancer. This genetic study has opened the doctors and clinicians the path of providing women a clear picture of their level of risk towards breast cancer. Knowing the genetic risk, prevention can be started sooner than before.

  1. Preventing blindness

As stated by Koji Nishiguchi, associate professor in the Department of Advanced Ophthalmic Medicine at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, they have managed to develop a new gene therapy to treat blinded mice. Mice that are affected by inherited retinal degeneration were used in the experiment. The results showed a great deal of visual restoration in them. This study has assured this method’s potential for clinical application for humans with similar conditions.

Nishiguchi’s team is planning to have a clinical trial for the new therapy that is being developed to treat humans with retinitis pigmentosa by 2025. Retinitis pigmentosa is a rare condition that causes peripheral vision loss and difficulties to see clearly at night. This particular therapy will target the patients who couldn’t overcome the disease with conventional gene therapy.


Undoubtedly, Genetic Data studies have supported disease prevention in the past. Now, with the pre-eminent science and technology, it’s just a matter of time until the researchers develop directive medications for diseases.

We understand that the study of genetics can be an overwhelming topic of undertaking and we’re here to help. Please contact us today for more information.


Functional medicine is about bringing together multiple disciplines

44485807_MOne of the biggest criticisms of western medicine is that it’s slow to progress and that it takes an all-too-skeptical view of other approaches such as Eastern medicine, the traditions of Native Peoples and other practices not typically enshrined in the canon of western medicine.

Yet, if there is one thing that drives functional, integrative, naturopathic, and other ‘alternative’ medicinal treatment providers more than anything else, it is the desire to continually push forward, not get complacent or too comfortable with the status quo, and always be cognizant of the fact that no one has all the answers, in any situation.

It’s not about having the answers. It’s not about “fixing” the problem, but rather digging down and finding the root cause of the patient’s ailment. That’s what functional medicine does.

Fortunately, many practitioners of functional, and other, methods of treating illness themselves transitioned from the world of traditional Western medicine. They understand that we all must work together for the betterment of the citizenry we serve.

In the age of social media and instantaneous communication, it isn’t difficult to get caught up in the overheated hyperbole of the situation, but it is important to step back and have an objective look at the facts. The doctors and nurses working in these fields are taking the risk of being seen as an outlier, but even more are assuming the risk that comes with operating within a new frontier of medicine.

While this may place practitioners, researchers, university professors, and many more who are studying the efficacy of alternative approaches in an unwanted spotlight, it isn’t warranted. Approaches taught in the offices of functional, integrative, and naturopathic clinics around the world are receiving the attention they deserve. The more research, the better, and professionals from all disciplines must work together.

So next time someone writes off functional medicine as “new age” or “hippie healing,” point them to this article to show them that functional medicine brings together a multitude of disciplines and philosophies to heal the individual, not just to temporarily “fix” the problem.

5 Steps to improve your overall health and well being

122620740 - healthy breakfast sandwich with boiled egg and avacado macro viewAre you living a healthy lifestyle? And no, we don’t just mean going to the gym twice a week.

A healthy lifestyle is made up of a lot of other factors. A stress-free life, healthy habits, healthy food, a happy living environment – all these factors contribute to your overall well-being in more ways than you know. The absence of fulfillment in even one of these areas can have a negative impact on your life, which can then lead to dissatisfaction, stress, and ultimately a poor quality of overall health.

Are you looking for ways to improve your overall health and well-being? Below are five simple ways in which you can begin immediate integration.

1. Eat Good Food

You are what you eat. It’s true. Our body creates new cells every day using the nutrients it extracts from what we eat. Therefore, everything in your body, from your skin to your internal organs and blood, quite literally, comprises from what you eat. Including whole foods and fresh produce in your diet has the ability to transform your body from the inside out.

Changing your food habits is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle.

2. Perform More Physical Activities

Before technology and automation took over our lives, a lot of our work consisted of standing and moving around. This has drastically changed in the 21st century when jobs have led to sedentary lifestyles with limited movement. Nevertheless, it is important that we make a conscious effort to move our bodies around more often.

Simple everyday tasks such as playing with a toddler, taking a walk to the nearest bus stop, riding a bicycle to work, or going for an hour-long walk around the garden can add up to significant active hours in your lifestyle. And remember, if you eat good foods, you will receive all the energy required to lead an active lifestyle.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a stress-relieving technique that has come to light in recent times as we allow minutes, hours, days, and weeks to pass right by us in our fast-paced every day lives. Practicing meditation can connects you to your inner self, thereby letting you pause, observe, and keep a calm and stable mind in every situation.

You don’t need any expensive equipment or setting to observe mindfulness; here is a simple mindfulness session you can try:

In a still hour, sit silently in a place where you can observe the world around you. Take in the nuances of your surroundings. While you’re doing this, concentrate on your breathing. Look around. Observe the delicacies of nature around you. Smile. Do this for at least 10-15 minutes every day.

4. Talk to People That Make You Happy

In our hurried daily lives, people have been reduced to acquaintances. We no longer feel like connecting with them. It is time to change this.

Good human interactions have been proven to relieve stress and, in some cases, have also contributed to increased longevity of life. Is there a friend you’ve lost touch with over the years? Why not give them a call this weekend. An old lady in the neighborhood? Why not catch up with her over a cup of hot tea. Maybe even bring her some fresh flowers. How long has it been since your entire family had dinner together? Why not switch-off your phones for a few hours this Sunday and have a hearty laugh reminiscing over stories from the past. And if you’ve got some time to spare, why not visit the nearest care-giving center and be the reason for a smile on a few unknown faces.

All these interactions will not only reduce your stress levels, but they will also spread happiness to someone around you.

5. Cut Off From the Online World

We’ve all heard the clever antidote – “Disconnect to Connect.”

Social media might seem harmless at first. However, too much social media can negatively impact your overall well-being without you even realizing it:

  • An Austrian research conducted in 2014 demonstrated that participants who used Facebook for 20 minutes experienced lower mood levels compared to those who just browsed the internet for the same duration. (1)
  • A study from “Computers and Human Behavior” found that people who used multiple social media platforms – seven or more experienced greater levels of anxiety compared to people who used none or just two social media platforms. (1)
  • A research conducted at the Penn State University in 2016 revealed that looking at other people’s photos lowered one’s self-esteem. (1)

It is imperative that you fully disconnect or at least limit your social media interactions to a few hours per week.

If you remain mindful about the above five tips, you will begin to see a major difference in your overall health and well-being in just a few days. And once you experience a healthy, productive, and proactive lifestyle, you’ll be sure to continue moving forward.

Click here today if you are ready for a lifestyle change for the better!

Statistics Source

  1. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20180104-is-social-media-bad-for-you-the-evidence-and-the-unknowns

Bio-identical hormone therapy: is it for you?

42848197 - hormone therapy word cloud conceptFor many women, hormones have a significant impact on their moods, attitudes and even what they decide to eat. For anyone who has ever had a love life hiccup that lead to the consumption of ridiculous amounts of chocolate, they can thank hormones. OK, maybe that hit below the belt for some of us. But seriously, our hormones affect our quality of life much more than we want to admit. The truth is, an imbalance can cause us to feel tired, change the tone and appearance of our skin and even weigh us down with a sense of heaviness. To combat this, actress Suzanne Somers enthusiastically supports the use of bio-identical hormones. She says they play a crucial role in our health. Plant-based sources of hormones replace those naturally occurring ones that have declined over time, bringing hormone levels back in proper alignment. In addition to the aging process, exhaustion and illness may also decrease the body’s ability to produce a sufficient quantity of female hormones. So how do you know you have a hormonal imbalance? Take a close peek in the mirror at your skin. What is the quality of your complexion? Has it changed? And examine your overall health. Are you more tired than you used to be? Does it seem as if you catch every little bug that is making the rounds? If you have experienced one or more of these symptoms, you are not alone. We live in a very stressful world that takes a toll on the body’s production of nourishing hormones. The solution is simple — a course of restorative hormone therapy using bio-identical plant-based hormones to give you that boost in energy and vitality you’ve been wanting for so long. As with any medical regimen, you should seek the expertise of a competent health care provider experienced in administering bio-identical hormone therapy. Get ready to feel great!

Side effects of normal aging

96079146 - senior couple walking their bike along happily talking happily.Aging is a natural part of life that everyone undergoes.

We all experience aging in different ways, primarily determined by our lifestyle. Aging is a process and it takes place throughout our entire life-span.

Our bodies are not spared in the aging process. We may put on a bit of weight or occasionally experience joint pains. These are all signs of normal aging.

We will take you through the most common side effects of normal aging below so you know what to expect. If you are already feeling any of these, rest assured, these signs are normal.

Vision trouble

If you are in your 40s or older, you are probably reading this while wearing glasses. Trouble with vision is a normal aging progression, so fear not. At and around this age, eye-disorders are common. The most common eyesight issue is known as Presbyopia. It occurs when the lens become stiff and neglect to properly adjust to refocus from distance to near vision.

Cataracts come later on. These are commonly described as the clouding of lens as it begins to affect your vision especially in your 60s. increased risk of cataracts is caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight.

You can help to create sight longevity by:

  • Scheduling regular checkups and following the doctors advise on using corrective lenses.
  • Wearing protective sun glasses while in bright sunlight. The glasses can and should be recommended by an optician.

Hearing Loss

The majority of people above the age of 60 have some kind of hearing problem. Hearing loss is a condition known as Presbycusis. It is caused by loss of sensory receptors in the inner year. You may start hearing sounds muffled or you may be unable to understand high-pitched voices. These are some of the most common symptoms. Men generally tend to experience hearing loss more than women.

Below are ways in which you can improve your ear health:

  • Ensure you regularly visit your doctor for check ups.
  • Wear corrective devices if you are advised by a doctor to do so.
  • Use earplugs when you are around loud noises such as machinery and concerts.

Thin and Fragile Skin

As you age, you skin will start to thin and become less elastic and more fragile. This is because fatty tissue below the skin decreases. You produce less natural oils therefore your skin becomes drier. You develop wrinkles, skin tags and age spots. Don’t stress. There are actions to take in order to mitigate the risks of thin and fragile skin issues.

To promote healthy skin you can:

  • Use sunscreen and wear protective clothing when outdoors.
  • Eat a healthy diet and include more fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Be gentle on your skin. Shower in warm (not hot) water.
  • Use mild soaps and moisturizer.
  • Avoid smoking.

Decrease in Strength

As we age, the following changes takes place in our bodies:

  • We lose muscle tissue
  • The muscles become more rigid and less toned
  • Internal organs lose their extra reserve
  • The walls of the heart become thicker and heart rate slows
  • Arteries become stiffer

These changes affect our overall stamina. We are no longer able to do things we did in our younger years such as vigorous exercising. We may experience fatigue when we carry strenuous activities.

Weight training and stretching works to improve strength and flexibility. Perform light exercises such as walking to help maintain functional strength and increase your stamina. The bones, joints and muscles are the most affected by decrease in strength.

Here are ways you can improve overall strength and functionality:

  • Increase calcium intake in your diet. Sources of calcium include: dairy products, salmon, tofu, broccoli and kale.
  • Get adequate amounts of vitamin D both in your diet and from sunlight. Dietary sources of vitamin D are: eggs, salmon and tuna.
  • Avoid substance abuse such as alcohol and smoking.

High Blood Pressure

Changes that our bodies experience when we age make us vulnerable to some medical conditions; high blood pressure being the most common especially for the 60+ age group. Blood vessels inevitably lose elasticity with age. This stiffness contributes to high blood pressure.

Some factors that may cause high blood pressure include:

  • Aging
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Obesity
  • Increased sodium consumption

To maintain healthy blood pressure, you can:

  • Watch your waistline and avoid adding extra pounds.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat a healthy diet, and lower sodium intake.
  • Reduce undo stress.

Memory Loss

Subtle changes in memory occur naturally as we age. Older people find it harder to multi-task. They also experience difficulty in learning and retaining new information. This is due to general information processing slower as we grow older. The occasional memory lapses such as forgetting where you placed your keys, are normal with age.

Taking these steps now may help improve overall cognitive health:

  • Have a physical exercise plan in your daily routine. It will improve your brain function, reduce stress and depression.
  • Avoid alcohol which leads to confusion and memory loss.
  • Increase your social connections to avoid stress and depression. Depression and stress contributes to memory loss
  • Avoid smoking.

We understand aging can be a daunting process to experience. If you have any questions regarding the natural effects of aging, or health issues in general, please reach out to us here today.

Curious about matcha tea? Here are the basics

fresh breakfast with hot coffee and reading book in morning sunlightAll the people “in the know” seem to know a good bit about match tea. After all, their social media feeds are populated with pics of this green, frothy tea. But what, exactly, is it? And it is any good?

Matcha and this tea is continuing to gain in popularity. If you’ve been curious about it (the photos are beautiful and enticing, after all), we’re breaking it down for you.

Matcha is a caffeinated green tea that can be used in lattes and baked goods. Because matcha is the often discarded green tea leaves that have been ground into a powder, it’s very different than the green tea you may be used to. Matcha yields a stronger and deeper flavor than steeped green tea.

While matcha is known for its bright green hue, it has stuck around in our lives for all the health benefits it can provide. Matcha is very high in antioxidants, making it a protector against cancer and heart disease. Even though a cup of matcha and a cup of coffee are caffeine equals, matcha’s calming qualities may result in a less jittery alertness. Matcha is also known for helping to reduce feelings of anxiety and enhancing mood.

To prepare matcha, use it to make a latte (just like you would with coffee grounds) and pair it with your favorite milk, protein powders, adaptogens and sweeteners. Matcha has a strong flavor and experimenting with add-ins may be necessary to get the right balance for your tastes. High quality matcha is more palatable; unfortunately, there are a lot of low quality matcha teas out there, so ensure you buy the fresh, pure matcha for the best product and flavor you can get. Fair warning: the price tag can get a little high for the good stuff.

Go ahead and give matcha a try! Find a combination you love and pretty soon you’ll join in on the matcha drink sharing phenomenon happening online.

Maintaining a positive attitude regardless of current circumstances

39567160_SFar too often we allow the uncontrollable to inevitably control us. To control our thoughts, our actions, and our reactions. To allow for current circumstances and our surroundings to dictate our emotions is making one of the boldest statements of all. Let me explain.

To sit back and let life wash over you “the way it may” and chalk it up to happenstance so you do not have to choose is ultimately the grandest choice of all. When in fact the only thing we have complete and consistent control over is our thoughts, attitude, and actions. Our cognitive awareness and mental stability play a prominent role in the quality of our lives and functionality of our health in general.

So how does it work? How does one maintain a positive attitude and conscious awareness in the midst of chaos?

By paying attention.

It really is that simple. The human mind can have upwards of 60,000 thoughts per day. That’s a daunting task to try to mitigate and control every single one, so instead, just pay attention to how you’re feeling during the day. The thoughts you are giving attention directly effects your emotions set point. If you’re feeling anxious, scared, or stressed, then the predominance of your thoughts must be negative or worrisome in nature.

The shift can be relatively simple in theory. Instead of a thought about sickness, choose a happy thought about being outside on a picnic with your family. Choose a happy memory or create one completely from scratch in your minds eye. You’ll notice you may even smile. This is the beginning of your emotional shift. You can’t go from sad to happy instantly – that would be inaccurate. But instead slowly progress to more positive thoughts so that the majority are happy in nature.

Be attentive to the information you absorb.

So often we find ourselves glued in front of the television mindlessly soaking in all the devastating news seemingly encompassing the world. This will absolutely have an impact on your mental state and cognitive awareness.

If you are constantly looking at, engaging in, and expecting negative events, then rest assured, you will absolutely witness more negative interactions on a comprehensive scale.

The power of positivity is very much a real thing. This does not mean to bury your head in the sand and ignore all the bad things that do in fact occur on a daily basis. No, but instead notice them enough to be informed and then choose to believe that hate and cruelty are out of your control. Stressing about these things are counter-intuitive and pointless. Focus on only what you have control over. Your mind, your health, the food you choose to fuel your body with, your family’s well being, and hard work.

Gentle shifts encouraging minor increases in your daily output and productivity can heed wonders of progressive adaptation one year from now.

How do you choose to live?

We discuss this periodically here at Proactive Wellness Centers – how making a choice to live healthy and truly engaged are vital to the longevity and quality of your life and even those around you. Do you make the conscious choice to move your body daily at least 30 minutes a day? Do you choose to take the time to cook your food at home instead of swinging through the drive thru on your way home from work?

Convenience is hardly ever synonymous with accuracy.

Set goals, make plans, and track your results. When your body is healthy, your mind can be. Or when you begin with your mind, you’ll also begin to make the necessary adjustments to have your body line up with your new mental clarity. You cannot have a sick mind and a healthy body, just like you can’t have a sick body and a healthy mind. We are meant to be in sync with ourselves both mentally and physically.

Obviously, there are unwarranted health circumstances that can negatively impact your overall morale and general wellbeing. The result remains – how with that affect your emotional intelligence, your cognitive awareness, and ultimately your attitude and response to your current circumstances.

Remember, your attitude is the only thing you have complete control over.

The only way to control your world, is to control your mind. Try shifting some of your thoughts today to a more intentional and positive scenario. Just start with one and add on from there. Remember, slow and steady allows for you to maintain motivation and focus without burning out or losing interest in where your intentions were previously set.

If you would like to discuss some mental clarity and overall health techniques, please feel free to reach out to us at any time. We look forward to speaking with you.