Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Prince George's County, MD

As their primary androgen, testosterone helps men develop common male characteristics and is essential in the production of sperm. Controlled by your body's pituitary gland and hypothalamus, testosterone helps develop and maintain:

Muscle Mass

Muscle Mass

Facial and Body Hair

Facial and Body Hair

Sex Organs

Sex Organs

Healthy Libido

Healthy Libido

Healthy Libido

Bone Density

Healthy Libido

Sexual Function

Healthy Libido

Healthy Red Blood Cell Levels

When low testosterone or hypogonadism occurs, however, males begin to notice concerning symptoms that often affect their everyday lives and romantic relationships.

 Muscle Mass Prince George's County, MD

When men lose significant amounts of testosterone, it alters their body's levels of testosterone and estrogen. Lower T levels usually result in abdominal fat, which in turn causes estrogen synthetize levels to increase, creating even higher levels of estrogen in the body. With more estrogen and less testosterone, a number of concerning issues begin to surface. Some of the symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Lowered Libido
  • Lowered Sperm Count
  • More Body Fat
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Issues with Concentration
  • Male Breast Development
  • Less Muscle Mass
  • Motivation Issues

If you're a man struggling with one or more of the symptoms above, it could be because you have low testosterone. But the only way you can find out for sure is to have your testosterone levels tested by a wellness center like Proactive Wellness. If your testosterone levels are low, TRT in Prince George's County, MD, may be the answer to your low-T problems.

Book Appointment phone-number (703) 822-5003
 Facial And Body Hair Prince George's County, MD

Understanding The Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Are you starting to notice that you don't feel like "you" when you're at home or at work? Do you feel tired and lethargic all the time, even in your free time away from the office? Many men mistake these symptoms for being too sleepy or too busy. But the truth is, they're suffering from low testosterone. Since no two males will have the same symptoms of low T, it's prudent to recognize and understand some of the most common signs:

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

If there were two words that all men wish to avoid, it's these two. Being unable to perform in the most intimate moments isn't just embarrassing - it can affect long-term relationships and mental health. It's a difficult topic to talk about. But it doesn't have to be. Our experts are ready to help you re-light that special spark.

Low Libido

Low Libido

When you have low testosterone, sometimes the thought of having sex just isn't appealing. If you're one of the many men in the U.S. who lacks sex drive, it might not be you. I could be low testosterone. Don't settle for a mediocre sex drive - reclaim your vigor at Proactive Wellness Centers.

Lack of Sleep

Lack of Sleep

Do you work hard every day and come home exhausted, only to find that you toss and turn all night long? Whether you have undiagnosed insomnia or another sleep disorder, it could be linked to low T.

 Sex Organs Prince George's County, MD
 Healthy Libido Prince George's County, MD
Less Strength and Muscle Mass

Less Strength and Muscle Mass

When testosterone levels deplete as we age, men lose their ability to lift heavy items, even with weightlifting routines in the gym. If you're making a concerted effort to maintain your muscle mass and strength but aren't making gains, it could be due to low T.



Your brain is home to many testosterone receptors, but when your body has low T, it can affect your mood. With time, poor spirits can lead to serious psychological issues, like depression. However, studies show that TRT in Prince George's County, MD, can rebalance your hormones, which can help relieve depression and improve your mood.

Lack of Concentration

Lack of Concentration

Do you find it hard to complete normal tasks when you're at work? Does it seem like your memory is fading? Does your spouse or significant other complain that you're not paying attention to them? The effects of low testosterone don't just affect your body - they can affect your mind and memory, too. When your testosterone levels are within normal range, brain fog and other concentration issues have been shown to go away.

 Bone Density Prince George's County, MD

What are the Risks of Living with Low Testosterone?

At Proactive Wellness Centers, we understand what men must go through daily when they have low testosterone. They suffer from fatigue and lack motivation and often don't feel like their usual selves. But as bad as those symptoms sound, living with low T can have more severe health risks that that put vital organs at risk. Some of the most concerning health risks you should be aware of include the following:

Book Appointment phone-number (703) 822-5003

Some of the most concerning health risks you should be aware of include the following:

 Sexual Function Prince George's County, MD

Heart Health

If you've been told by a doctor that you have high blood pressure, you're probably wondering what it stems from. Is it aging? Is it hereditary? Is it something else? According to academic research, men with low T have a higher chance of developing cardiovascular illnesses. When testosterone levels are low, red blood cell reproduction suffers. When that happens, plaque buildup in your arteries may be accelerated. With time, plaque building can lead to very serious problems like strokes and heart attacks.



When you have anemia, your body has a lack of or dysfunctional red blood cells, meaning your organs have less oxygen with which to function. Because testosterone has a role in healthy red blood cell production, it makes sense that men with low t have a higher risk of anemia. In fact, a 2009 study found that older men with low T are 5x more likely to be anemic than men with healthy levels of testosterone. While TRT in Prince George's County, MD, isn't a cure for anemia, it will help produce more red blood cells in your body, which can prevent anemia.



If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes, and you're trying to figure out why, it may be linked to your T levels. That's because men with low testosterone have a greater chance of developing diabetes as they age. Similarly, men with diabetes are much more likely to have low testosterone, establishing a relationship between diabetes and testosterone. This relationship is further solidified by the fact that men with low T have a more challenging time resisting insulin. Though TRT won't cure diabetes, studies show that men with healthy testosterone levels also have healthier blood sugar levels and are often less obese.



If you look in the mirror in the morning and can't stand how much body fat you've gained since getting older, you're not alone. Many aging men have problems with their waistlines. If you eat well and exercise regularly but still can't get rid of that unsightly stomach or body fat, the culprit may be low testosterone. Multiple studies have shown the link between obesity and low T. In fact, testosterone plays an important role in food metabolism by regulating insulin, glucose, and fat. Fortunately, when combined with diet and exercise, men who undergo TRT can often lose weight and enjoy improved blood glucose and low-density cholesterol levels.

Enjoy Life to the Fullest with TRT in Prince George's County, MD

 Healthy Red Blood Cell Levels Prince George's County, MD

Testosterone replacement therapy does precisely what it sounds like: It is a science-backed therapy that replaces low testosterone levels in men. The ultimate goal of TRT is to improve your life and well-being by balancing your hormones. Also referred to as androgen replacement therapy, TRT helps many men deal with and overcome the debilitating side effects of low T.

Originally developed by scientists in the 1930s, TRT has grown substantially in popularity over the years. Today, it is one of the most common and promising treatments for males with low testosterone.

How Does TRT Work?

Without getting too scientific, TRT works by providing your body with the testosterone it needs to function properly. Without healthy levels of testosterone, the male body can't maintain the natural processes it needs for overall health. In fact, men with low testosterone levels are more prone to serious health problems like type-2 diabetes and even heart disease. Until their T levels are restored to normal, most men suffer until they find a solution.

That's where TRT comes into play. With balanced hormones, your body can finally begin to heal, causing most symptoms of low t to diminish greatly.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Prince George's County, MD

Make an Appointment

Book Appointment phone-number (703) 822-5003

The Proactive Wellness Approach to TRT in Prince George's County, MD

At Proactive Wellness Centers, our team utilizes a three-pronged approach to healing and treatment:


Patient Education. We equip you with the knowledge needed to take charge of your health and achieve optimal well-being in your life.


Prevention. We focus on preventing diseases by providing you with a thorough evaluation, which includes comprehensive diagnostics and the information you provide on your health history form.


Rejuvenation. Lastly, we work closely with you to implement a rejuvenation program consisting of several science-based treatments that aim to promote tissue regeneration, reduce cellular degeneration, foster healing, and slow your aging process.

Because no two patients ever have the exact same needs and treatment, your journey to journey to optimal health will be unique and tailored to your body.
However, to give you a brief snapshot of the average patient's TRT timeline may look like this:

Getting Started:

You contact our TRT clinic in Virginia. Based on your schedule, we'll arrange for a time for you to come in for your initial assessment.

Diagnostics and Evaluation:

One of our diagnostic experts will complete comprehensive testing to discover your testosterone and related hormone levels and your best treatment options.

Review Testing:

We'll sit with you one-on-one to discuss the results of your lab tests. During this session, a medical practitioner will also answer any questions you have about low T and testosterone replacement therapy.

Begin Your Custom TRT Regimen:

Based on your lifestyle, goals, and test results, we'll craft a custom TRT plan exclusively for you.

Success Coaching:

When you undergo TRT at Proactive Wellness Centers, you're never alone. We'll be by your side the entire way to ensure your treatment is going well and you're hitting your benchmarks. We'll keep track of your progress, and if there are areas that need improvement, we'll work with you to accomplish the goals you haven't achieved yet. Because, at the end of the day, a little bit of encouragement can go a long way.

Enjoy the Results:

This is the best part! With time and care, you'll begin to notice the effects of TRT and will be well on your way to enjoying balanced hormones.

 Muscle Mass Prince George's County, MD

Trust The Proactive Wellness Difference

Did you know that 13 million males suffer from low T, but a whopping 90% go untreated by doctors? The reason is that conventional doctors believe that unless your Testosterone level is below the low lab reference range level, that your are "OK". At Proactive Wellness, we help you to optimize and be the best you can be, not just OK. Why be OK, when with the help of the right Testosterone dose, you can feel better, be healthier, stronger and more vibrant. If you believe that your testosterone levels are at unhealthy levels, it's time to contact Proactive Wellness Centers for testing. Living with low testosterone is a risk, but with personalized TRT in Prince George's County, MD, you can minimize the harmful effects on your body.

Unlike other TRT clinics, we utilize a more complete and personalized approach to Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Our approach considers the role of DHEA, another very important hormone that needs to be balanced. And we look at Estradiol conversion, the unwanted effect where some men convert too much Testosterone to estradiol. In this case, these men (about 10%) need a medication to block this conversion, called an aromatase inhibitor. But notice that I mentioned that only 10% of men need this, but at many men's clinics, all men automatically get an aromatase inhibitor whether they need it or not. This drives Estradiol too low, causing other issues. Yes, Men need Estradiol also, but they need it in the proper proportion. Bottom line, our personalized approach ensures that you get exactly what you need, no more and no less.

Further, Proactive Wellness offers the widest range of Testosterone Replacement options so that men can choose the best for their particular lifestyle. Choose from pellets that are inserted just under the skin and last for 4-5 months, or the most popular option, Test Cypionate injections that are typically done weekly, or specialized transdermal cream or even a specialized intranasal application that mimics natural testosterone levels. Any of these methods are available at Proactive Wellness Centers so that you can get the option that is right for you.

Is testosterone replacement therapy enough? Maybe, it all depends on your goals and your lab results. Many men are also deficient in growth hormone (GH) and this hormone can also contribute to you not being your best. If this one is low, Proactive Wellness offers a range of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) peptides to increase your GH levels. Many men combine this with TRT to feel their absolute best.

If you're ready to reclaim your confidence and return to loving life on your own terms, our physicians and medical team are ready to help. Don't be one of those men who constantly complain about their health but don't do anything about it. Contact Proactive Wellness Centers today to make a difference in your life!

phone-number (703) 822-5003

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Latest News in Prince George's County, MD

Prince George’s County admits botching snow storm response

Two weeks after a big storm dumped several inches of snow across Prince George’s County, Maryland, residents and elected leaders are still hot about the response efforts that went into clearing all the snow and ice off the roads.The man in charge of it all, Public Works and Transportation Director Michael Johnson, admitted Wednesday the county “fell short.”In...

Two weeks after a big storm dumped several inches of snow across Prince George’s County, Maryland, residents and elected leaders are still hot about the response efforts that went into clearing all the snow and ice off the roads.

The man in charge of it all, Public Works and Transportation Director Michael Johnson, admitted Wednesday the county “fell short.”

In terms of the actual snow removal, “inadequate resources” were blamed for the delay, combined with the type of storm that hit.

Johnson told the Prince George’s County Council that in some cases, the county doesn’t have enough large six and 10-wheel dump trucks that can be hooked up to plows to clear off the busier roads that the county is responsible for — while also hitting secondary and residential streets.

That’s why the county prioritized the busiest roads first, but the storm that started Jan. 5 and continued into the next day kept dropping more snow on those roads, keeping crews from hitting residential roads.

“This challenged our ability to deliver consistent outcomes across all neighborhoods,” Johnson said. “We’re not able to tackle both sets of streets, classes of streets, with our current compliment of equipment.”

But he said the county will need to start doing that during future snow events.

“It’s essential that those roads are dealt with, primary and secondary,” Johnson said. “However it’s also important that people are able to get medicine or that you’re able to get about.”

He said some of the problems were worsened by people driving on top of roads that hadn’t been treated yet, packing the snow and turning it into ice. Hiring enough contractors to plow certain areas can also be hard since private companies and other jurisdictions might pay more.

Johnson testified that county residents were failed by a plow tracking system that is supposed to keep people informed about the current state of operations online. He said that software glitch has been fixed.

And the county will keep more of a magnesium chloride salting solution, which can better melt ice on roads during extremely cold weather. However, he admitted it’s also rougher on roads and the environment.

Almost as frustrating for some members of the council was the county’s 311 response, which one resident described as “dismissive” when it was being relied on the most.

“People have talked about the lack of communication,” said District 1’s Tom Dernoga. “This is typical of 311. Not just with this. People file a 311 complaint, it gets closed out with no explanation.”

“They filed the 311 complaint, and it got closed out, no plow, no treatment, no anything, and no explanation,” Dernoga added. “Unless they’re all entering them incorrectly.”

Johnson said, sometimes, the 311 complaint filed doesn’t actually spell out a grievance.

Dernoga said it’s also a problem when complaints are filed with other agencies.

“There’s nothing more frustrating to a constituent than filing a complaint and having it closed with no explanation and your complaint is not resolved,” Dernoga said.

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John started working at WTOP in 2016 after having grown up in Maryland listening to the station as a child. While he got his on-air start at small stations in Pennsylvania and Delaware, he's spent most of his career in the D.C. area, having been heard on several local stations before coming to WTOP.

Maryland State Board of Elections Announces Critical Voting Dates for Prince George’s County Special Election

PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, Md. – The Maryland State Board of Elections (SBE) announced key voting information for the upcoming Prince George’s County Special Election, emphasizing the importance of understanding voting methods and deadlines to ensure a smooth and accessible voting process. The primary election will be held on March 4, 2025, with ballots being mailed to every eligible Prince George’s County voter in late January.“The Prince George’s County Special Election is a vote-by-...

PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, Md. – The Maryland State Board of Elections (SBE) announced key voting information for the upcoming Prince George’s County Special Election, emphasizing the importance of understanding voting methods and deadlines to ensure a smooth and accessible voting process. The primary election will be held on March 4, 2025, with ballots being mailed to every eligible Prince George’s County voter in late January.

“The Prince George’s County Special Election is a vote-by-mail election,” said State Administrator Jared DeMarinis. “We are encouraging all Prince George’s County eligible voters to vote by mail or make a plan to vote. We encourage voters to vote by mail in this special election. 19 ballot drop boxes are conveniently located throughout the county. Additionally, our team is here to answer any questions and provide support to ensure every voter’s voice is heard. We are the trusted source of electoral information.”

Three Ways to Vote

While the primary method is vote by mail for the Special Election, voters in Prince George’s County can participate through three safe and secure methods: in-person early voting, mail-in voting, and in-person voting on Election Day.

Important Deadlines and Voting Details:

Mail-In Voting:

· Every eligible Prince George’s County voter will receive a mail in ballot that will include a postage pre-paid return envelope. A voter did not need to make any request for the ballot. It is automatically sent to the voter in a vote by mail election. Around 502,000 ballots are being sent in this election.

· Mail-in ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day.

· Ballots returned by hand must be delivered to a ballot drop box or the local board of elections office by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Drop box locations can be found on SBE’s website athttps://elections.maryland.gov/elections/special_elections.html

· The deadline to receive a mail-in ballot by mail to an address other than the address of record is February 25.

Vote Early In-Person:

· Early voting will be held from February 26 – March 3, 2025 at nine voting centers.

· Early voting centers will be open 10 am – 8 pm Wednesday through Saturday (and the Monday before Election Day) and 12 pm – 6 pm on Sunday. A complete list of early voting locations is available on the SBE website at https://elections.maryland.gov/elections/special_elections.html.

Vote on Election Day:

· Primary Election Day is scheduled for March 4, 2025. Nine Voting Centers will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

· A complete list of early voting locations is available on the SBE website at https://elections.maryland.gov/elections/special_elections.html.

Register to Vote

The advanced voter registration deadline for the Special Election is February 11. Mailed registrations must be postmarked by this date. To register or check the status of your voter registration, visit SBE’s online voter registration system at https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/OnlineVoterRegistration/InstructionsStep1.

Same-day voter registration is also available during early voting and on Election Day. Voters registering at a voting center must bring a document that confirms their residency, such as a utility bill or bank statement.

Town of Cheverly suing Bladensburg over annexation of 'Hospital Hill'

Town of Cheverly suing Bladensburg over 'Hospital Hill' siteThe town of Cheverly has filed a lawsuit against the town of Bladensburg as the battle continues over 'Hospital Hill' — the tract of land where the old Prince George's County sits. The two towns have been fighting for control of the site, which currently belongs to Prince George’s County.The BriefPRINCE GEOREGE'S CO., Md. - The town of Cheverly has filed multiple lawsuits against the town of Bladensbu...

Town of Cheverly suing Bladensburg over 'Hospital Hill' site

The town of Cheverly has filed a lawsuit against the town of Bladensburg as the battle continues over 'Hospital Hill' — the tract of land where the old Prince George's County sits. The two towns have been fighting for control of the site, which currently belongs to Prince George’s County.

The Brief

PRINCE GEOREGE'S CO., Md. - The town of Cheverly has filed multiple lawsuits against the town of Bladensburg as the battle continues over 'Hospital Hill' — the tract of land where the old Prince George's County sits.

The two towns have been fighting for control of the site, which currently belongs to Prince George’s County. Bladensburg and Cheverly both want to annex the property, which they see as prime real estate that could see millions of dollars in new developments.

In its lawsuits, the town of Cheverly alleges that Bladensburg illegally annexed the land. In the suit, Cheverly accuses Bladensburg of:

"These actions will cause severe economic damage to the residents of Cheverly, Prince George’s County, and the State of Maryland, resulting in economic losses amounting to millions of dollars. The unlawful annexation has jeopardized a critical development project intended to serve as a gateway to Prince George’s County. As a result, the project now faces termination or significant redesign, putting its viability in question," a news release from Cheverly leaders reads.

RELATED: Bladensburg, Cheverly could head to court over 'Hospital Hill'

The lawsuits also allege that Bladensburg’s conduct was "knowing and intentional, with the purpose of harming the interests of Cheverly and its residents."

Back in December, Cheverly sent Bladensburg a cease and desist letter accusing the town of failing to meet the requirements to annex Hospital Hill. For one, they say 295 prevents Bladensburg from physically connecting to the land, which is required by law to annex.

But Bladensburg says they've got case law and other examples in Maryland on their side.

Bladensburg's attorney tells FOX 5 that, "the proposed annexation of what is often called the Hospital Hill property will create a legal enclave of unincorporated territory. It is permitted and there appears to be others like it in Maryland."

Bladensburg Mayor Takisha James previously told FOX 5 she is willing to take this all the way to the Maryland Supreme Court if she has to.

"If a house is on the market for five to 10 years and I’m admiring the dream house, I’m saving my money, I’m doing all these things because one day I want to buy that house and then you come along and you’re a motivated buyer, you have the resources and you proceed to put a contract on that house in the down payment, I can’t be upset with you because you took action," James said.

Cheverly Mayor Kayce Munyeneh has argued that Bladensburg doesn't have the right to annex the land for several reasons, including because I-295 prevents Bladensburg from physically connecting to the land, which is required by law to annex.

"The Town of Cheverly remains committed to ensuring that development and annexation processes are conducted lawfully and in the best interests of the community," Munyeneh said in Tuesday's news release. "We cannot stand by while actions that violate state law and harm our residents go unchecked. This lawsuit is a necessary step to hold Bladensburg accountable for their actions."

The Source: Town of Cheverly press release, FOX 5 reporting

NewsCheverlyPrince George's County

Cheverly sues Bladensburg over attempt to annex Hospital Hill site

The towns are battling over the half-billion-dollar development.More VideosCHEVERLY, Md. — The town of Cheverly is officially suing its neighbor, the town of Bladensburg, over its attempt to annex a half-billion-dollar development.It used to be the Prince George’s Hospital Center, located just off of the Balt...

The towns are battling over the half-billion-dollar development.

More Videos

CHEVERLY, Md. — The town of Cheverly is officially suing its neighbor, the town of Bladensburg, over its attempt to annex a half-billion-dollar development.

It used to be the Prince George’s Hospital Center, located just off of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway and overlooking Southeast D.C. After the hospital moved to Largo in 2021, the former location, known as Hospital Hill, became an attractive site for redevelopment.

So attractive that the leaders of two towns made plans to annex the site.

Cheverly has been talking about annexing the site since at least January 2021, before the hospital even moved locations. The town had been working toward annexation, but put the plan on pause when the Redevelopment Authority, County Council Chair and County Executive’s office asked the town to wait until after the development concluded.

But then in October 2024, Bladensburg also made a plan to make Hospital Hill a part of their town, unbeknownst to the leaders of Cheverly. When they found out ahead of a public hearing on a Bladensburg annexation in December, the town promised to sue if Bladensburg moved forward.

Now, Cheverly has filed multiple lawsuits against Bladensburg, claiming the neighboring town intentionally and illegally harmed Cheverly.

The suits allege the town failed to comply with state law requirements on notifying Cheverly; that it disregarded legal standards, improperly handling the public hearing process; illegally tried to annex federal property; illegally tried to annex non-contiguous property; and tried to create an illegal enclave.

Cheverly claims in the suits that Bladensburg’s actions have threatened the development project, alleging it now faces termination or significant redesign. The town complained the attempted annexation will cause severe economic damage to Cheverly residents, Prince George’s County and Maryland state.

Prince George’s County Councilmember Jolene Ivey says the county always planned on having Cheverly annex the development. When Bladensburg’s plans were announced, the councilmember called the move "bizarre," "out of left field" and "not expected and not welcome."

The project was designed to bring 1,300 homes, a hotel, retail complex, as well as trails and open space to Hospital Hill. It was approved by the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, is supported by Prince George's County and is being developed by county-pick Urban Atlantic.

RELATED: Bladensburg delays hearing as controversy explodes over annexation plan

RELATED: Bladensburg's mayor stands firm on annexation for 'Hospital Hill'

WSSC Water lifts essential water use order in Maryland

Prince George’s and Montgomery counties were under an Essential Water Use Only advisory since Sunday.PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Md. — WSSC Water crews have been crisscrossing Prince George’s and Montgomery counties all day, trying to keep up with persistent reports of broken water lines.On Monday evening, WSSC Water announced that...

Prince George’s and Montgomery counties were under an Essential Water Use Only advisory since Sunday.

PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Md. — WSSC Water crews have been crisscrossing Prince George’s and Montgomery counties all day, trying to keep up with persistent reports of broken water lines.

On Monday evening, WSSC Water announced that due to the public's water-conservation efforts the essential-water-use-only was lifted. In a statement they said the water distribution system demand and pressure have stabilize and water storage levels have returned to normal.

Earlier that day, WUSA9 spoke with neighbors in Prince George's County about the water main breaks.

Doris Baker-Ortiz has been living in her Woodlawn neighborhood in Hyattsville for more than 30 years, and she says this scene isn’t new for her.

“I came halfway out and asked 'what was the problem,' and he said water main break, and I said, again?” she said with a smile.

WSSC Water says this is usually the time of year when most water main breaks happen, however, 200 breaks have already occurred since the year started, with 166 of those happening since Wednesday.

On Monday, the company reported 69 water main breaks throughout Prince George’s and Montgomery counties.

On Sunday night, the utility company put out an Essential Water Use Only advisory to make sure enough water was in the system for potential fire protection.

“Sunday is the day of the week where our customers use the most water; that was not a surprise,” said Lyn Riggins of WSSC Water. “However, they were using a little more than they normally use, and at the same time, we had so many water main breaks and leaks that our system was losing water at the same time our customers were demanding.”

Since Doris has seen this before, she already knows what to do, she also has some advice for folks who are dealing with their water being cut off for the first time.

“If it’s yellow, it can stay around, if it’s brown, I need to flush it down, so I have jugs that I have put water in and stored them in the bathroom,” she said. “Rest. Take a nap. Sleep. It may be off for an hour, call a friend.”


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