Fight Back Against Mold Illness with Help from Proactive Wellness Centers

CIRS Mold Toxicity Treatment in Manassas Park, VA

Experiencing mold toxicity is a terrifying thought for most people. Although it may seem like an interesting concept for a medical drama, nobody wants to experience the effects of mold exposure firsthand.

Mold is a fungus that thrives in wet environments, such as under tiles, wood floors, and ceilings, pipes, and roofs. While several types of mold exist, some are more hazardous than others, and some individuals may be allergic or sensitive to mycotoxins, the toxins that mold naturally produces. Exposure to excessive amounts of mold, or the types of mold that trigger health problems, can lead to mold toxicity and even CIRS - Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. This acute and chronic systemic inflammatory response syndrome is typically acquired after exposure to mold or other producers of biotoxins, usually from damaged water buildings.

If you believe that you're suffering from mold toxicity or mold illness, it can seem like the world is folding in on you. No matter what you do, your symptoms persist, lowering your quality of life and eliminating your peace of mind. Fortunately, there is reason to be hopeful: Proactive Wellness Centers now offers a research-backed, highly effective mold illness poisoning treatment in Manassas Park, VA for men and women just like yourself and your children as well if they have been impacted.

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CIRS and Mold Toxicity

CIRS and mold illness are on the rise, and accurate diagnosis of the issue plays a major role in this trend. Thanks to Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, there is a huge body of evidence that covers diagnosing and treating patients with CIRS. Dr. Lawson is one of less than 30 practitioners in the United States that are fully certified by Dr. Shoemaker for diagnosing and treating CIRS. The body of evidence by Shoemaker and many associates is the largest body of scientific evidence that is published in major medical journals. Around 80% of CIRS/Mold cases are caused by indoor air contaminated with mold toxins and other triggers. However, it's important to note that CIRS can also be caused by biotoxin producers such as cyanobacteria and a marine dinoflagellate that produces the Ciguatera toxin found in certain types of fish.

When mold or biotoxins are not processed effectively, a series of biochemical changes known as the Biotoxin Pathway occur. Genetic studies have revealed that approximately 24% of individuals have a genetic makeup that makes them susceptible to developing an illness related to mold or biotoxins. The remaining 76% of the population can typically eliminate these toxins from their system and avoid the development of the Biotoxin Pathway that can lead to various diseases.

CIRS Treatment In Manassas Park Manassas Park, VA

CIRS and Mold Poisoning Misdiagnosis

CIRS and mold exposure symptoms overlap with many other chronic illnesses, which makes diagnosis challenging and can even lead to missed diagnosis of CIRS. Based on research from Proactive Wellness Centers, CIRS is frequently misdiagnosed. Some of the most common misdiagnoses include:

  • Lupus
  • Chronic Pain Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • PTSD
  • More

Lyme disease, in particular, is often misdiagnosed. We have treated a number of patients whose symptoms were in line with Lyme disease. Fortunately, we were able to confirm the presence of CIRS and mold and were able to successfully help those patients using CIRS treatment in Manassas Park, VA.

Note that many of these patients have CIRS and Lyme disease and in that case, it is necessary to treat both in order for full recovery. Treating one or the other will invariably leave the patient with debilitating symptoms and even more frustration with their medical team. At Proactive Wellness Centers, we are skilled In diagnosing and treating both.

 VA Manassas Park, VA
 CIRS Mold Toxicity Treatment In Manassas Park Manassas Park, VA

CIRS and Mold Poisoning Symptoms

If you're reading this page, chances are you're concerned that you might have CIRS or some form of mold poisoning. You may be wondering what you have - is it CIRS, or is it something else like Lyme disease? We can't provide the answer to that question without consultation and testing at our wellness center in Virginia. However, there are common symptoms of CIRS and mold toxicity you should know.

Some of the most common symptoms of CIRS include:

  • Fatigue
  • Decreased Word Finding
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Morning Stiffness
  • Tremors
  • Excessive Thirst
  • Tingling
  • Night Sweats
  • Frequent Urination
  • Confusion
  • Mood Swings

Proactive Wellness Centers'

Tools for Diagnosing Mold Sickness and CIRS

Identifying and confirming if a patient is being impacted by CIRS and identifying the cause and source of the biotoxin are the two main steps in diagnosing CIRS and Mold Exposure. To diagnose CIRS and Mold Exposure, the following diagnostic tools are commonly used:

To learn more about the debilitating symptoms of mold sickness and to find out whether you have CIRS or something else, contact Proactive Wellness Centers. Our team of medical professionals is here to help you every step of the way.

 VA Manassas Park, VA

Hope for Patients with CIRS: Proactive Wellness Centers' Mold Illness Treatment in Manassas Park, VA

Our approach to treating CIRS utilizes integrative and functional medicine, The Shoemaker Protocol along with the latest evidence-based approaches to treating mold illness and the related secondary issues that it causes. We begin by utilizing advanced diagnostics to confirm the presence of the condition and identify the specific environment causing continued exposure to biotoxins. Next, we take a stepwise approach to halt the progression of the disease, eliminate biotoxins from the body, and reverse any damage to cellular structures. Our goal is to help patients achieve a full recovery.

To do this, we not only have to identify the primary condition like CIRS or Lyme disease, but we then have to continue looking to see if you have any of the common secondary conditions like reactivated EBV, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), and others. Once we understand the totally of your condition, then we can implement a treatment plan tailored for you. Yes, it will leverage the Shoemaker protocol, but we have found that we have to extend the protocol to cover the secondary issues that we uncover.

The steps we follow to reach that goal include:

In order to initiate the recovery process, it is important to address and resolve any affected areas, or, alternatively, relocate the patient from that environment if necessary. Prolonged exposure to mold can hinder the success of the treatment plan and impede the healing process.

Two commonly used binding agents in the process of treating Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome are Welchol and Cholestyramine. Cholestyramine is particularly effective in binding biotoxins that are processed in the liver's bile ducts and helps to eliminate them from the body. It has been scientifically proven, through placebo-controlled studies, to reverse multiple aspects of the inflammatory process associated with CIRS.

Many individuals experiencing mold sickness and other chronic inflammatory illnesses may have a staph infection called MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) residing deep in their nasal cavities. This infection is resistant to antibiotics and needs to be eliminated for the patient to fully recover.

Each patient requires a customized plan based on the affected areas and CIRS severity. Retesting is necessary after each step to confirm balance restoration. Testing may include some or all of the following:
  • VIP
  • TGF Beta 1
  • MMP9
  • ADH
  • Antigliadin
  • Androgen Imbalance
  • C4a
  • More

In order to halt the growth of mold fungi, patients need to avoid foods that can cause mycotoxins. Some examples of these foods include:
  • Barley
  • Cottonseed
  • Peanuts
  • Corn
  • Black Pepper
  • Figs
  • Rice
  • Bread
  • Beans
  • More
Proactive Wellness has a proven track record of treating patients who have experienced severe health issues without any clear explanation. Unlike other "syndromes," our diagnosis process involves specific tests to confirm a diagnosis rather than simply ruling out other diseases.
 CIRS Mold Poisoning Treatment In Manassas Park Manassas Park, VA

Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, and Chronic Pain Syndrome are examples of illnesses that are often diagnosed without such confirmatory tests. If you are experiencing unexplained health issues or have been exposed to water-damaged buildings, it is possible that you are suffering from CIRS or a mold illness.

The good news is that we can diagnose and address this disease with a mold illness treatment program in Manassas Park, VA tailored to your body and your symptoms. That way, we can help you regain your health as soon as possible.

Be Wary of These

5 Symptoms of Mold Exposure

Mold spores can easily be brought into your home on your shoes or clothing or through open windows or doors. If these spores can find a warm, damp, humid environment, they can begin to multiply. Soon, your home can be filled with toxic mold. If you think mold has invaded your home or another environment, like in an office or warehouse, it's important for you to know about the symptoms.

Unfortunately, diagnosing mold issues can be exceptionally difficult. But why? The answer can be quite frustrating.

Understanding the Difficulty of Diagnosing Mold Symptoms

Many doctors fail to recognize the impact of mycotoxins emitted by certain indoor mold species, which can lead to chemical and inflammatory reactions. While conventional medicine acknowledges that mold can cause allergies, it may overlook this crucial aspect of mold-related health issues.

This can happen for several reasons:

  • Standardized treatment protocols for mold toxicity are offered mostly by Functional/Integrative physicians as the conventional physicians are not on board despite over 20 years of published research. Due to this issue, patients spend precious months/years going from doctor to doctor in the conventional channel with no answers.
  • Though ERMI testing has been accepted in the integrative/functional medical community, there isn't a "gold standard" in mold testing that is universally accepted.
  • Mold symptoms can manifest in vastly different ways depending on the patient.
VA Manassas Park, VA

After understanding the points above, it's no wonder that mold poisoning can be hard to diagnose. Fortunately, integrative and functional holistic medicine providers and wellness centers like Proactive Wellness are flipping the proverbial script. Unlike traditional clinics, our team considers environmental factors that can affect patient health and has advanced training to provide mold poisoning treatment in Manassas Park, VA.

Now that you understand why mold symptoms are so hard to diagnose let's take a closer look at five of the most common indicators of mold sickness.

 Mold Toxicity Symptoms Manassas Park, VA


Fatigue is probably the number one symptom of well over 90% of CIRS patients. The level of fatigue varies from 5 on a 10 point scale all the way to 10 on a 10 point scale. Many patients can no longer work or remain productive as in the worst cases, the fatigue is overwhelming. College students living in moldy dorms frequently have to drop out of school until the illness is treated effectively. Older adults have to retire or stop working due the fatigue. If you have overwhelming fatigue, CIRS may be a major contributor to your illness.

 Mold Poisoning Symtoms Manassas Park, VA

Breathing Problems

Exposure to mold can cause a host of respiratory problems, such as breathing difficulties, allergies, and asthma, especially in individuals with a weakened immune system. Mold can worsen asthma, irritate the nasal passages, lungs, and throat, and lead to symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and nasal congestion. Other health issues such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis, sinus congestion, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis have also been associated with mold sickness.

 Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Treatment Manassas Park, VA

Sadness and Depression

Mold can cause a variety of illnesses that can show up in different ways, such as psychological symptoms like anxiety, depression, insomnia, concentration problems, and memory loss. It has been reported that nearly 40% of people who live in moldy homes experience depression. Researchers suggest that exposure to toxic mold and dealing with the physical symptoms of mold illness can contribute to mental health issues.

Due to this phenomenon, many mold patients are given antidepressant medications in the conventional channels.

 Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Symptoms Manassas Park, VA

Feeling "Pins and Needles"

Numbness, twitching, or tingling in the extremities, such as hands, feet, legs, and arms, is another symptom of mold illness. The sensation is similar to pins and needles, which are often felt when the body is held in an uncomfortable position for a long time. While this sensation can indicate serious nerve damage or disease, it can also be a symptom of mold sickness.

CIRS Treatment In Manassas Park Manassas Park, VA

Digestion Problems and Disorders

When exposed to mold, individuals may experience various digestive problems. Some may lose their appetite, leading to unintentional weight loss. Others may suffer from stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Furthermore, the influx of mold spores may trigger systemic inflammation, causing bloating and weight gain due to the digestive system's exposure to harmful mold.

Top Tips for

Controlling Mold in Your Environment

It's not possible to completely eliminate all mold and mold spores from your home or place of work. However, since mold spores need moisture to grow, the best way to prevent or get rid of growth is to reduce the moisture in your environment. If you already have mold growing there, it's important to clean it up and address the issue causing dampness. If you only clean up the mold and don't address the underlying problem, the mold is likely to return.

Here are some tips to help reduce moisture throughout your home or office:

  • Use A/C or Dehumidifiers. This is especially important if you live in a hot, humid area of the United States.
  • Ensure A/C drip pans are clean, dry, and obstruction-free.
  • Thoroughly dry areas that are damp or wet within 48 hours.
  • Be sure to install insulation in cold areas like your home's exterior walls and windows. Doing so will reduce condensation.
  • Work with an HVAC company to check your HVAC system. Doing so can help ensure your unit is removing as much humidity as possible.
  • Keep the humidity in your home below 60% whenever possible.
 CIRS Mold Toxicity Treatment In Manassas Park Manassas Park, VA
 VA Manassas Park, VA

Here are some tips to help reduce moisture in your kitchen:

  • Check for leaks near your ice makers, sinks, and anywhere else water is present.
  • Make sure your exhaust fans are directing moisture outside, not into your attic.
  • If you notice your appliances are causing moisture on windows and other surfaces, turn them off as soon as you're done using them.

Here are some tips to help reduce moisture in crawlspaces:

  • Use a plastic covering on the dirt in your crawlspace. Doing so will prevent moisture from saturating the ground.
  • Ensure that your crawlspace or basement is ventilated well.
  • Check your home's gutters. Make sure they're directing water away from your property, not toward your foundation or crawlspace.

Your Top Choice for

Mold Toxicity Treatment in Manassas Park, VA

Trying to "tough it out" through life with CIRS isn't any way to live. If you're suffering from the effects of biotoxin illness, you should know that there are solutions available to help you reclaim your health and your life. With the help of a can-do attitude, healthy living, and mold illness treatment from Proactive Wellness, there's light at the end of the dark tunnel you're trapped within. Contact our office today to get started on your first step toward recovery!

Appointment Form

Latest News in Manassas Park, VA

This Virginia math teacher just received a major award

Darnell Greene has served as a teacher, mentor, and coach for more than 21 years.MANASSAS, Va. — A Manassas Park Middle School math teacher got a big surprise during a school assembly on Thursday. Darnell Greene was named Regional Teacher of the Year by the Virginia Department of Education."Mr. Greene is an exemplary educator who has dedicated his life's work to ...

Darnell Greene has served as a teacher, mentor, and coach for more than 21 years.

MANASSAS, Va. — A Manassas Park Middle School math teacher got a big surprise during a school assembly on Thursday. Darnell Greene was named Regional Teacher of the Year by the Virginia Department of Education.

"Mr. Greene is an exemplary educator who has dedicated his life's work to teaching," said Manassas Park Middle School Principal Kip Gansneder Tuttle. "He possesses an innate ability to inspire and guide students of all backgrounds and abilities to achieve their very best."

Greene has served as a teacher, mentor, and coach for more than 21 years. He wanted to be a teacher from a young age. After a challenging start to high school, his life forever changed when the new varsity football coach met with him and asked if he wanted to make a positive difference in the world. That meeting was the beginning of Greene's journey in helping positively shape the future of Manassas Park Middle School students by sharing his stories and experiences.

"Virginia is blessed with outstanding educators," said Superintendent of Public Instruction Lisa Coons. "Mr. Greene challenges middle school math students every day by giving them real world math problems, mentors students as a track coach, and has mentored many new teachers in Manassas Park. I am honored I could come celebrate Mr. Greene with the leaders, colleagues, and students in Manassas Park as well as recognize him with this well-deserved award."

Greene had a word of advice for his fellow teachers after the award ceremony.

"Just keep at it. Keep with your faith and belief. You are changing and going to have an impact on the future generations. Don't give up," he said.

All eight regional Teacher of the Year winners are nominees for the 2025 Mary V. Bicouvaris Virginia Teacher of the Year Award. The final Virginia Teacher of the Year Award will be announced later this spring.

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Manassas Park Math Teacher Wins Regional Award

Darnell Greene is one of eight regional winners, one of whom will be named Virginia’s teacher of the year by the state education department.A math teacher in Manassas Park City has been named one of the commonwealth’s top teachers.Darnell Greene, who teaches eighth grade math at Manassas Park Middle School, was named the regional teacher of the year by the Virginia Department of Education for Region 4. He’s one of eight regional winners, one of whom will be named teacher of the year for 2025 later in the sprin...

Darnell Greene is one of eight regional winners, one of whom will be named Virginia’s teacher of the year by the state education department.

A math teacher in Manassas Park City has been named one of the commonwealth’s top teachers.

Darnell Greene, who teaches eighth grade math at Manassas Park Middle School, was named the regional teacher of the year by the Virginia Department of Education for Region 4. He’s one of eight regional winners, one of whom will be named teacher of the year for 2025 later in the spring, the education department said in a statement.

Greene has been a teacher for more than 21 years, and was the teacher of the year in his school and the Manassas Park City school system this year, the department said. He has also been on the coaching staffs of the boys’ and girls’ basketball and track teams.

He wanted to be a teacher from a young age, the department said, and was influenced by a high school football coach who asked him whether “he wanted to make a positive difference in the world.”

In his teaching process, the department said, Greene shares “his stories and experiences” to make “meaningful connections with students, parents, and his peers every day.” He’s been a Mentor Teacher since 2015.

“Mr. Greene challenges middle school math students every day by giving them real-world math problems, mentors students as a track coach, and has mentored many new teachers in Manassas Park,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Lisa Coons said at the surprise ceremony at the school last week. “I am honored I could come celebrate Mr. Greene with the leaders, colleagues, and students in Manassas Park, as well as recognize him with this well-deserved award.”

“Mr. Greene is an exemplary educator who has dedicated his life’s work to teaching,” Principal Kip Gansneder Tuttle said in the statement. “He possesses an innate ability to inspire and guide students of all backgrounds and abilities to achieve their very best.”

In Spotsylvania County, Beth Marshall, a French teacher at Riverbend High School, has been named regional teacher of the year for Region 3.

In other education news, Eva Irwin, an English teacher at Alexandria’s Alexandria City High School, received the Milken Educator Award in March. It’s an award that recognizes the impact teachers have had on children while in the early to mid-stages of their careers. The award came with an unrestricted $25,000 cash award.

Featured image courtesy Virginia Department of Education/Facebook

For more stories like this, subscribe to Northern Virginia Magazine’s Education newsletter.

New City Manager Approved By Council To Assume Duties In April

Fairfax City Council approved an employment agreement with Laszlo Palko for the soon-to-be vacant city manager position. Michael O'Connell, Patch Staff|Updated Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 8:47 am ETPress release from the City of Fairfax :Laszlo Palko has been selected by the City of Fairfax Ci...

Fairfax City Council approved an employment agreement with Laszlo Palko for the soon-to-be vacant city manager position.

Michael O'Connell, Patch Staff

|Updated Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 8:47 am ET

Press release from the City of Fairfax :

Laszlo Palko has been selected by the City of Fairfax City Council as their new city manager with their approval tonight of an employment agreement. Mr. Palko will begin his employment with the city on or about April 29.

“When City Manager Rob Stalzer notified City Council last year of his plans to retire March 1, we began a nationwide search,” said Fairfax City Mayor Catherine Read. “We were fortunate to have a great field of candidates from which to choose. Laszlo Palko is a good fit for our urbanizing community and we look forward to his leadership as we navigate unprecedented opportunities ahead here in our city.”

Mr. Palko comes to Fairfax after serving since June 2017 as the city manager of Manassas Park, Va. In Manassas Park, Mr. Palko was responsible for overseeing the day-to-day and strategic executive management of city departments and developing and recommending policies, strategies, annual budget, and ordinances for the governing body’s approval, as well as managing the execution of the city budget and capital improvement program. Manassas Park was in fiscal distress watch when he arrived, and he helped lead its financial turnaround from a negative fund balance and no credit rating to a $16M+ fund balance (25%+ of operating revenues) and a AA credit rating.

Prior to joining Manassas Park, Mr. Palko had more than 10 years of public and private sector management experience including previously serving as the Town Manager of Lovettsville, Va., as a financial consultant for IBM, and as a management consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton. Mr. Palko began his career serving as an Army officer from 2005-2010. He earned the rank of captain and was awarded the Bronze Star serving two tours of duty in Afghanistan as part of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division.

Find out what's happening in Fairfax Citywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

"I am honored and grateful to the Fairfax City Council for giving me the opportunity to serve as city manager for such a wonderful community with such a great and talented team of professionals on city staff,” said Mr. Palko. “I look forward to working for the city council and helping them achieve their goals for the community. I am eager to engage with and provide high quality service to city residents and cannot wait to provide my support to an amazing city staff as we work collectively to accomplish our shared mission to serve our great city."

Council Member Jeff Greenfield, the longest serving member of the Fairfax City Council, is enthusiastic about the skills and experience Mr. Palko brings to the position. “He’s got a passion for the budget process that is impressive, and he is the first bilingual city manager we have hired. His fluent Spanish will be valued in our community and he is committed to being out in our city meeting people where they are.”

Mr. Palko earned a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard University where he concentrated on local government administration.

Fairfax City Deputy City Manager Valmarie Turner has been named acting city manager until Mr. Palko steps into his new role.

This press release was produced by the City of Fairfax. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

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Town-By-Town NoVA, DC Snowfall Totals Jan. 16 As Bitter Cold Moves In

Snowfall amounts ranged from 2 inches in Washington, D.C., to 5 inches in the Reston area. See Jan. 16 snow totals across DC, Northern VA.Deb Belt, Patch StaffNORTHERN VIRGINIA — Winter weather returned to Northern Virginia and DC with the biggest snowfall in more than two years that left many cities covered in 4 to 5 inches of snow by Tuesday morning, and bitter cold will soon follow the storm into the state.Low tempe...

Snowfall amounts ranged from 2 inches in Washington, D.C., to 5 inches in the Reston area. See Jan. 16 snow totals across DC, Northern VA.

Deb Belt, Patch Staff

NORTHERN VIRGINIA — Winter weather returned to Northern Virginia and DC with the biggest snowfall in more than two years that left many cities covered in 4 to 5 inches of snow by Tuesday morning, and bitter cold will soon follow the storm into the state.

Low temperatures will drop into the teens the next two nights, the National Weather Service said. A warmup Friday will bring more snow, followed by another drop in temperatures with overnight lows in the teens this weekend.

Many school districts in Northern Virginia canceled classes Tuesday.

Find out what's happening in Manassaswith free, real-time updates from Patch.

City of Alexandria (three locations) Alexandria 4.0 Alexandria 3.6 Alexandria 3.2 National Harbor 1.8

City of Fairfax Fairfax 4.0

City of Falls Church Falls Church 3.5

City of Fredericksburg

Dunavant 3.0 Fredericksburg 2.2

City of Manassas Manassas 3.0

Fairfax County Centreville 5.0 Reston 5.0 Chantilly 4.9 Herndon 4.8 Vienna 4.1 McLean 4.1 Falls Church 4.0 Oakton 3.9 West Springfield 3.5 Annandale 3.5 Mount Vernon 3.5 Alexandria 2.8 Lorton 2.8

Fauquier County Broken Hill 4.0 Broad Run 3.2 Warrenton 3.0

Loudoun County Ashburn 4.5 Dulles International 4.4 Leesburg 4.0 Purcellville 4.0

Prince William County

Gainesville 4.0 Haymarket 4.0 Manassas Park 4.0 Manassas 3.4 Dale City 2.8 Dumfries 2.8

Spotsylvania County Fredericksburg 2.3 Spotsylvania Court 2.0

Stafford County

Fredericksburg 2.3 Stafford 2.3

District of Columbia Washington NE 4.1 National Arboretum 3.0 Adams Morgan 3.0 Anacostia 2.0

Here's the latest forecast for Northern Virginia and DC from the National Weather Service:

Tuesday Night: Mostly cloudy, then gradually becoming clear, with a low around 13. Northwest wind 8 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 26 mph.

Wednesday: Sunny, with a high near 29. West wind 7 to 13 mph.

Wednesday Night: Increasing clouds, with a low around 18. Southwest wind 3 to 6 mph.

Thursday: Cloudy, with a high near 38. South wind around 5 mph becoming calm in the afternoon.

Thursday Night: A chance of snow after 1am. Cloudy, with a low around 30. Northeast wind 3 to 5 mph. Chance of precipitation is 40%.

Friday: Snow, mainly before 1pm. High near 33. Chance of precipitation is 80%.

Friday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 19.

Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 26. Blustery.

Saturday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 17.

Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 32.

Sunday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 18.

Monday: Sunny, with a high near 40.

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Regional leaders break ground on Manassas Park VRE garage, a linchpin of new downtown development

Virginia’s "newest downtown" is getting its much sought-after parking garage.Officials broke ground Thursday on Manassas Park’s Virginia Railway Express station parking garage, a 540-space structure adjacent to the train stop that will serve commuters as well as business patrons in the city’s growing downtown. It’s expected to open in 2025.The fanfare Thursday morning – a full groundbreaking ceremony with speakers from across the region's transportation body – was beyond what one mi...

Virginia’s "newest downtown" is getting its much sought-after parking garage.

Officials broke ground Thursday on Manassas Park’s Virginia Railway Express station parking garage, a 540-space structure adjacent to the train stop that will serve commuters as well as business patrons in the city’s growing downtown. It’s expected to open in 2025.

The fanfare Thursday morning – a full groundbreaking ceremony with speakers from across the region's transportation body – was beyond what one might expect for a parking garage, but city officials say the new lot will be a linchpin for its downtown development, what’s being dubbed Park Central.

With the new city hall and library building complete, and as the 300 new Stanley Martin townhomes go up nearby, developer Norton Scott is waiting for work on the garage to gain steam before building its eight-screen movie theater next door to serve as an entertainment anchor for the area. Once the theater is completed, coffeeshop Jirani’s and Mexican restaurant La Finca are expected to open their new locations in the city hall building.

“That’s how you get the right parking numbers for the theater and all the restaurants, is through the garage,” City Manager Laszlo Palko told InsideNoVa. “The theater is the most important part from an anchor standpoint, but they need each other. The theater needs the garage to be able to make it here.”

The 540 spots in the garage will be complemented by another roughly 200 spots on surface lots nearby, doubling in use for both rail commuters and nearby business patrons, satisfying a need that Palko said hobbled earlier retail and restaurant hopes for prior iterations of the city center plan.

But while much of the attention Thursday morning was on what the garage would do for the downtown development, transportation officials are also hoping it will achieve its stated goal: adding parking capacity for rail commuters when more ridership returns.

The garage and attached pedestrian bridge over the train tracks will cost over $34.6 million, with funding from the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, the city, I-66 Outside the Beltway concessionaire payments, the I-66 Commuter Choice program from the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission and the Virginia Department of Rail and Transportation.

VRE ridership has continued to bounce back from its losses during the pandemic, but still remains well below pre-COVID levels. Average daily ridership has remained steady at over 6,000 throughout the year, a significant year-over-year jump but still only about one-third of the system’s 2019 ridership.

“The folks that commute on VRE, they love VRE. It’s consistent, it’s clean, it’s convenient, it’s a great option to help meet your transportation needs,” DRPT Director Jennifer DeBruhl said Thursday morning. “And here in Manassas Park, … the parking expansion is a big step forward into the future. It will help us increase ridership and add to the many reasons why people do love the VRE.”

Transportation officials around the region are hopeful that trains will keep filling up as more workers return to offices and that ridership will really take off as evening, weekend and bi-directional service begins as part of the Transforming Rail in Virginia project.

Manassas Park leaders, meanwhile, hope that the increased service will make their city more attractive to live and play in, and that the new garage will fix a pre-COVID problem, when cars would park along side streets and pathways when the lot would fill up.

“We are now at the beginning of what we hope will be more transportation options for folks to choose from. At some future date, the downtown will become 100% transit-oriented, when the VRE service is bi-directional and when increased bus service adds to the connectivity across more communities,” Mayor Jeanette Rishell said.


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