Fight Back Against Mold Illness with Help from Proactive Wellness Centers

CIRS Mold Toxicity Treatment in Mantua, VA

Experiencing mold toxicity is a terrifying thought for most people. Although it may seem like an interesting concept for a medical drama, nobody wants to experience the effects of mold exposure firsthand.

Mold is a fungus that thrives in wet environments, such as under tiles, wood floors, and ceilings, pipes, and roofs. While several types of mold exist, some are more hazardous than others, and some individuals may be allergic or sensitive to mycotoxins, the toxins that mold naturally produces. Exposure to excessive amounts of mold, or the types of mold that trigger health problems, can lead to mold toxicity and even CIRS - Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. This acute and chronic systemic inflammatory response syndrome is typically acquired after exposure to mold or other producers of biotoxins, usually from damaged water buildings.

If you believe that you're suffering from mold toxicity or mold illness, it can seem like the world is folding in on you. No matter what you do, your symptoms persist, lowering your quality of life and eliminating your peace of mind. Fortunately, there is reason to be hopeful: Proactive Wellness Centers now offers a research-backed, highly effective mold illness poisoning treatment in Mantua, VA for men and women just like yourself and your children as well if they have been impacted.

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CIRS and Mold Toxicity

CIRS and mold illness are on the rise, and accurate diagnosis of the issue plays a major role in this trend. Thanks to Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, there is a huge body of evidence that covers diagnosing and treating patients with CIRS. Dr. Lawson is one of less than 30 practitioners in the United States that are fully certified by Dr. Shoemaker for diagnosing and treating CIRS. The body of evidence by Shoemaker and many associates is the largest body of scientific evidence that is published in major medical journals. Around 80% of CIRS/Mold cases are caused by indoor air contaminated with mold toxins and other triggers. However, it's important to note that CIRS can also be caused by biotoxin producers such as cyanobacteria and a marine dinoflagellate that produces the Ciguatera toxin found in certain types of fish.

When mold or biotoxins are not processed effectively, a series of biochemical changes known as the Biotoxin Pathway occur. Genetic studies have revealed that approximately 24% of individuals have a genetic makeup that makes them susceptible to developing an illness related to mold or biotoxins. The remaining 76% of the population can typically eliminate these toxins from their system and avoid the development of the Biotoxin Pathway that can lead to various diseases.

CIRS Treatment In Mantua Mantua, VA

CIRS and Mold Poisoning Misdiagnosis

CIRS and mold exposure symptoms overlap with many other chronic illnesses, which makes diagnosis challenging and can even lead to missed diagnosis of CIRS. Based on research from Proactive Wellness Centers, CIRS is frequently misdiagnosed. Some of the most common misdiagnoses include:

  • Lupus
  • Chronic Pain Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • PTSD
  • More

Lyme disease, in particular, is often misdiagnosed. We have treated a number of patients whose symptoms were in line with Lyme disease. Fortunately, we were able to confirm the presence of CIRS and mold and were able to successfully help those patients using CIRS treatment in Mantua, VA.

Note that many of these patients have CIRS and Lyme disease and in that case, it is necessary to treat both in order for full recovery. Treating one or the other will invariably leave the patient with debilitating symptoms and even more frustration with their medical team. At Proactive Wellness Centers, we are skilled In diagnosing and treating both.

 VA Mantua, VA
 CIRS Mold Toxicity Treatment In Mantua Mantua, VA

CIRS and Mold Poisoning Symptoms

If you're reading this page, chances are you're concerned that you might have CIRS or some form of mold poisoning. You may be wondering what you have - is it CIRS, or is it something else like Lyme disease? We can't provide the answer to that question without consultation and testing at our wellness center in Virginia. However, there are common symptoms of CIRS and mold toxicity you should know.

Some of the most common symptoms of CIRS include:

  • Fatigue
  • Decreased Word Finding
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Morning Stiffness
  • Tremors
  • Excessive Thirst
  • Tingling
  • Night Sweats
  • Frequent Urination
  • Confusion
  • Mood Swings

Proactive Wellness Centers'

Tools for Diagnosing Mold Sickness and CIRS

Identifying and confirming if a patient is being impacted by CIRS and identifying the cause and source of the biotoxin are the two main steps in diagnosing CIRS and Mold Exposure. To diagnose CIRS and Mold Exposure, the following diagnostic tools are commonly used:

To learn more about the debilitating symptoms of mold sickness and to find out whether you have CIRS or something else, contact Proactive Wellness Centers. Our team of medical professionals is here to help you every step of the way.

 VA Mantua, VA

Hope for Patients with CIRS: Proactive Wellness Centers' Mold Illness Treatment in Mantua, VA

Our approach to treating CIRS utilizes integrative and functional medicine, The Shoemaker Protocol along with the latest evidence-based approaches to treating mold illness and the related secondary issues that it causes. We begin by utilizing advanced diagnostics to confirm the presence of the condition and identify the specific environment causing continued exposure to biotoxins. Next, we take a stepwise approach to halt the progression of the disease, eliminate biotoxins from the body, and reverse any damage to cellular structures. Our goal is to help patients achieve a full recovery.

To do this, we not only have to identify the primary condition like CIRS or Lyme disease, but we then have to continue looking to see if you have any of the common secondary conditions like reactivated EBV, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), and others. Once we understand the totally of your condition, then we can implement a treatment plan tailored for you. Yes, it will leverage the Shoemaker protocol, but we have found that we have to extend the protocol to cover the secondary issues that we uncover.

The steps we follow to reach that goal include:

In order to initiate the recovery process, it is important to address and resolve any affected areas, or, alternatively, relocate the patient from that environment if necessary. Prolonged exposure to mold can hinder the success of the treatment plan and impede the healing process.

Two commonly used binding agents in the process of treating Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome are Welchol and Cholestyramine. Cholestyramine is particularly effective in binding biotoxins that are processed in the liver's bile ducts and helps to eliminate them from the body. It has been scientifically proven, through placebo-controlled studies, to reverse multiple aspects of the inflammatory process associated with CIRS.

Many individuals experiencing mold sickness and other chronic inflammatory illnesses may have a staph infection called MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) residing deep in their nasal cavities. This infection is resistant to antibiotics and needs to be eliminated for the patient to fully recover.

Each patient requires a customized plan based on the affected areas and CIRS severity. Retesting is necessary after each step to confirm balance restoration. Testing may include some or all of the following:
  • VIP
  • TGF Beta 1
  • MMP9
  • ADH
  • Antigliadin
  • Androgen Imbalance
  • C4a
  • More

In order to halt the growth of mold fungi, patients need to avoid foods that can cause mycotoxins. Some examples of these foods include:
  • Barley
  • Cottonseed
  • Peanuts
  • Corn
  • Black Pepper
  • Figs
  • Rice
  • Bread
  • Beans
  • More
Proactive Wellness has a proven track record of treating patients who have experienced severe health issues without any clear explanation. Unlike other "syndromes," our diagnosis process involves specific tests to confirm a diagnosis rather than simply ruling out other diseases.
 CIRS Mold Poisoning Treatment In Mantua Mantua, VA

Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, and Chronic Pain Syndrome are examples of illnesses that are often diagnosed without such confirmatory tests. If you are experiencing unexplained health issues or have been exposed to water-damaged buildings, it is possible that you are suffering from CIRS or a mold illness.

The good news is that we can diagnose and address this disease with a mold illness treatment program in Mantua, VA tailored to your body and your symptoms. That way, we can help you regain your health as soon as possible.

Be Wary of These

5 Symptoms of Mold Exposure

Mold spores can easily be brought into your home on your shoes or clothing or through open windows or doors. If these spores can find a warm, damp, humid environment, they can begin to multiply. Soon, your home can be filled with toxic mold. If you think mold has invaded your home or another environment, like in an office or warehouse, it's important for you to know about the symptoms.

Unfortunately, diagnosing mold issues can be exceptionally difficult. But why? The answer can be quite frustrating.

Understanding the Difficulty of Diagnosing Mold Symptoms

Many doctors fail to recognize the impact of mycotoxins emitted by certain indoor mold species, which can lead to chemical and inflammatory reactions. While conventional medicine acknowledges that mold can cause allergies, it may overlook this crucial aspect of mold-related health issues.

This can happen for several reasons:

  • Standardized treatment protocols for mold toxicity are offered mostly by Functional/Integrative physicians as the conventional physicians are not on board despite over 20 years of published research. Due to this issue, patients spend precious months/years going from doctor to doctor in the conventional channel with no answers.
  • Though ERMI testing has been accepted in the integrative/functional medical community, there isn't a "gold standard" in mold testing that is universally accepted.
  • Mold symptoms can manifest in vastly different ways depending on the patient.
VA Mantua, VA

After understanding the points above, it's no wonder that mold poisoning can be hard to diagnose. Fortunately, integrative and functional holistic medicine providers and wellness centers like Proactive Wellness are flipping the proverbial script. Unlike traditional clinics, our team considers environmental factors that can affect patient health and has advanced training to provide mold poisoning treatment in Mantua, VA.

Now that you understand why mold symptoms are so hard to diagnose let's take a closer look at five of the most common indicators of mold sickness.

 Mold Toxicity Symptoms Mantua, VA


Fatigue is probably the number one symptom of well over 90% of CIRS patients. The level of fatigue varies from 5 on a 10 point scale all the way to 10 on a 10 point scale. Many patients can no longer work or remain productive as in the worst cases, the fatigue is overwhelming. College students living in moldy dorms frequently have to drop out of school until the illness is treated effectively. Older adults have to retire or stop working due the fatigue. If you have overwhelming fatigue, CIRS may be a major contributor to your illness.

 Mold Poisoning Symtoms Mantua, VA

Breathing Problems

Exposure to mold can cause a host of respiratory problems, such as breathing difficulties, allergies, and asthma, especially in individuals with a weakened immune system. Mold can worsen asthma, irritate the nasal passages, lungs, and throat, and lead to symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and nasal congestion. Other health issues such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis, sinus congestion, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis have also been associated with mold sickness.

 Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Treatment Mantua, VA

Sadness and Depression

Mold can cause a variety of illnesses that can show up in different ways, such as psychological symptoms like anxiety, depression, insomnia, concentration problems, and memory loss. It has been reported that nearly 40% of people who live in moldy homes experience depression. Researchers suggest that exposure to toxic mold and dealing with the physical symptoms of mold illness can contribute to mental health issues.

Due to this phenomenon, many mold patients are given antidepressant medications in the conventional channels.

 Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Symptoms Mantua, VA

Feeling "Pins and Needles"

Numbness, twitching, or tingling in the extremities, such as hands, feet, legs, and arms, is another symptom of mold illness. The sensation is similar to pins and needles, which are often felt when the body is held in an uncomfortable position for a long time. While this sensation can indicate serious nerve damage or disease, it can also be a symptom of mold sickness.

CIRS Treatment In Mantua Mantua, VA

Digestion Problems and Disorders

When exposed to mold, individuals may experience various digestive problems. Some may lose their appetite, leading to unintentional weight loss. Others may suffer from stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Furthermore, the influx of mold spores may trigger systemic inflammation, causing bloating and weight gain due to the digestive system's exposure to harmful mold.

Top Tips for

Controlling Mold in Your Environment

It's not possible to completely eliminate all mold and mold spores from your home or place of work. However, since mold spores need moisture to grow, the best way to prevent or get rid of growth is to reduce the moisture in your environment. If you already have mold growing there, it's important to clean it up and address the issue causing dampness. If you only clean up the mold and don't address the underlying problem, the mold is likely to return.

Here are some tips to help reduce moisture throughout your home or office:

  • Use A/C or Dehumidifiers. This is especially important if you live in a hot, humid area of the United States.
  • Ensure A/C drip pans are clean, dry, and obstruction-free.
  • Thoroughly dry areas that are damp or wet within 48 hours.
  • Be sure to install insulation in cold areas like your home's exterior walls and windows. Doing so will reduce condensation.
  • Work with an HVAC company to check your HVAC system. Doing so can help ensure your unit is removing as much humidity as possible.
  • Keep the humidity in your home below 60% whenever possible.
 CIRS Mold Toxicity Treatment In Mantua Mantua, VA
 VA Mantua, VA

Here are some tips to help reduce moisture in your kitchen:

  • Check for leaks near your ice makers, sinks, and anywhere else water is present.
  • Make sure your exhaust fans are directing moisture outside, not into your attic.
  • If you notice your appliances are causing moisture on windows and other surfaces, turn them off as soon as you're done using them.

Here are some tips to help reduce moisture in crawlspaces:

  • Use a plastic covering on the dirt in your crawlspace. Doing so will prevent moisture from saturating the ground.
  • Ensure that your crawlspace or basement is ventilated well.
  • Check your home's gutters. Make sure they're directing water away from your property, not toward your foundation or crawlspace.

Your Top Choice for

Mold Toxicity Treatment in Mantua, VA

Trying to "tough it out" through life with CIRS isn't any way to live. If you're suffering from the effects of biotoxin illness, you should know that there are solutions available to help you reclaim your health and your life. With the help of a can-do attitude, healthy living, and mold illness treatment from Proactive Wellness, there's light at the end of the dark tunnel you're trapped within. Contact our office today to get started on your first step toward recovery!

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Latest News in Mantua, VA

Body found after Fairfax County house fire

Officials have not identified the person found dead inside a home after a destructive fire in Fairfax County the day after Christmas.More VideosFAIRFAX, Va. — Officials from the Fairfax County Fire Department have confirmed that a body was found inside a home after a destructive fire sparked a day after Christmas.Th...

Officials have not identified the person found dead inside a home after a destructive fire in Fairfax County the day after Christmas.

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FAIRFAX, Va. — Officials from the Fairfax County Fire Department have confirmed that a body was found inside a home after a destructive fire sparked a day after Christmas.

The fire was reported just before 6:45 p.m. at a home on Goodview Court in the Mantua area of Fairfax County, according to the fire department.

When crews arrived they saw the house was already engulfed in flames. The fire was extinguished around two hours later.

Fairfax County Fire reported one person was injured in the fire and a second person was originally unaccounted for.

On Tuesday, Fairfax County Battalion Chief Derrick Colden reported that a person was found dead inside the home. While the victim's family has been notified, Colden did not release any identifying information regarding the person found dead following the house fire.

More information will be available after a medical examination.

Police are on scene assisting the fire department, which Colden said is standard procedure any time a body is found.

There is no word on how the fire started at this time.

Colden took time during the press conference Monday to remind everyone to check their smoke detectors have working batteries. It is unknown at this time if that was a contributing factor to the destructive fire.

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Colonial Williamsburg takes a look at historic gown-making with Gown in a Day program

WILLIAMSBURG — In a world dominated by fast fashion, Colonial Williamsburg is inviting guests to take a step back and experience the historic art of mantua making.On Wednesday, mantua makers at the Millinery Shop are undertaking the task of making a full dress in a day for the Gown in a Day program. The work will start at 8 a.m. as the mantua makers cut, assemble and sew a new dress for Bray School teacher Ann Wager, portrayed by Nicole Brown.The program began in 1993. The gown created during the event is just one of many...

WILLIAMSBURG — In a world dominated by fast fashion, Colonial Williamsburg is inviting guests to take a step back and experience the historic art of mantua making.

On Wednesday, mantua makers at the Millinery Shop are undertaking the task of making a full dress in a day for the Gown in a Day program. The work will start at 8 a.m. as the mantua makers cut, assemble and sew a new dress for Bray School teacher Ann Wager, portrayed by Nicole Brown.

The program began in 1993. The gown created during the event is just one of many produced over the course of a year, tradeswoman Rebecca Godzik said.

“It’s just a consolidation so that the visitors can actually see the whole process,” she said. “You don’t have to be here two or three or four days to see one gown take shape. It’s really consolidated work time and then removing somebody from that work team to be able to talk.”

According to Godzik, it takes one pair of hands doing nothing but focusing on one task for about 10 or 11 hours to finish a gown. That time includes all the planning and three fittings as the gown is fitted directly on the model’s body.

Beyond just making the gown — a full day’s work on its own — the team in the millinery shop will also educate visitors on the prevalence and importance of sewing in the daily lives of those in the 18th century.

“What I love about this program is there’s so many layers to it,” Brown said. “There’s so many layers of understanding, looking at how things are racialized, how they’re gendered. It’s really interesting.”

In the 18th century, sewing was a universal skill, taught to both young boys and young girls, usually in the home.

“Everybody can sew a button; everybody can mend a tear; everybody can put a patch on something,” Godzik said. “It’s like learning how to read, learning how to write, learning how to type today. It’s just your basic kind of life skills.”

However, that universality did not necessarily translate to the manufacturing of clothing. Godzik compared the difference between seaming, tailoring, millinery and mantua-making — all different fields and skills in the world of clothing manufacturing — to knowing how to hammer a nail versus knowing how to build a house versus knowing how to build furniture.

“There’s a gender-dominated division of labor within the clothing trades to the degree that most tailors are men. Most mantua makers are women; most milliners are women,” Godzik said. “But that’s not a hard and fast divide.”

At the Williamsburg Bray School, a school for Black children, the students’ education included sewing. Much of what they learned is called “sampler work,” an expression in a physical form representing a variety of different skills.

According to the National Museum of American History, samplers have become important representations of early American female education, helping to illuminate the lives of women in early America. Like any schoolwork, some students might have enjoyed it while others didn’t.

“One of my favorite samplers in the 1840s (is) from this young girl who basically stitches out her name, her age and (that) she hated doing every single stitch,” Brown said.

When Brown wears her new gown, she will be able to interpret the experience of it being produced for visitors that come to Colonial Williamsburg.

“I can step out of characters and talk about, ‘Hey, I think you need to go talk to these wonderful tradeswomen at the shop,'” she said.

“It gives (Brown) as an actor a cultural literacy that Ann Wager would’ve had,” Godzik agreed. “The cultural literacy of the process of the making but also the cultural literacy of the community. (It’s) somebody talking to you and saying, ‘What do you need? What can I do for you? How does this work for you? How do you want it to look?'”

As Brown said, seeing the process in action gives her a better understanding of how people in the 18th century were laboring over everyday necessities such as clothing.

With the resurgence of skills such as knitting, crocheting and embroidery since 2020, it’s been rewarding to see handcrafting increase in popularity again.

“Anything to bring it back and to increase visibility and knowledge that this is a really cool thing that people can do,” Godzik said.

Sian Wilkerson, 757-342-6616,

'Rebuilding Together Philadelphia' Marks Its 100th Home Improvement Project in Mantua

By Paul KurtzPHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- A local nonprofit group that provides repairs and improvements for low-income homeowners in Philadelphia was celebrating a milestone today.More than 100 volunteers celebrated outside a modest, two-story rowhouse at 3852 Melon Street, the 100th house that "Rebuilding Together Philadelphia" (RTP) has repaired in the Mantua neighborhood over the past four years.Delores Clark, 86, has lived the...

By Paul Kurtz

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- A local nonprofit group that provides repairs and improvements for low-income homeowners in Philadelphia was celebrating a milestone today.

More than 100 volunteers celebrated outside a modest, two-story rowhouse at 3852 Melon Street, the 100th house that "Rebuilding Together Philadelphia" (RTP) has repaired in the Mantua neighborhood over the past four years.

Delores Clark, 86, has lived there most of her life and says the house needed a lot of work.

"My god! They put in new pipes and a new wall," she recounted happily today. "The put a railing for seniors in my bathroom, and they took up all the old carpet that had been on the floor and put hardwood floors in. And they did a beautiful job."


RTP renovates about 70 houses each year, and executive director Stefanie Seldin says all the grunt work is done by an army of volunteers.

"They really come out of the woodwork," she said today. "It's a wonderful project. We lucked out with a beautiful day. And people really do want to give back."

After Mantua, Seldin says, they'll move on to the area called "Eastern North," near Temple University.

"It's very interesting because there's a lot of development going on there," Seldin tells KYW Newsradio, "and we're really hoping to be able to allow long-term homeowners to remain in their homes and not feel the pressure to leave from gentrification."

RTP has renovated 1,300 homes across Philadelphia since it launched 27 years ago.

Fairfax City to build school bus lot on Pickett Road tank farm. Neighbors troubled

View Larger MapAbove, the Pickett Road tank farm in Fairfax City. The proposed school bus parking lot would be in the grassy area in the southeast, or lower right, corner of the property, just north of Fair City Mall....

View Larger Map

Above, the Pickett Road tank farm in Fairfax City. The proposed school bus parking lot would be in the grassy area in the southeast, or lower right, corner of the property, just north of Fair City Mall.

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The words "Pickett Road tank farm" have a special resonance with folks who've lived around here since the early 1990s. That's when a massive underground gasoline spill was discovered in the Mantua neighborhood just east of Fairfax City, the result of hundreds of thousands of gallons of gas leaking into the ground over a period of many years from the vast petroleum storage field on Pickett Road at Colonial Avenue.

The media descended, a huge cleanup was launched, protests were staged, investigations were conducted, Congressional hearings were held, and the EPA began overseeing remediation — which continues to this day. It was called one of the largest underground leaks in the United States in years.

Worse, dozens of homeowners sold their houses in Mantua because of the gas beneath them, which over 22 years has slowly been pumped out or absorbed by the ground. Texaco, which took responsibility for the spill, bought those houses and its successor, Chevron, remains the largest property owner in Mantua.

The neighbors are freaked out, for obvious reasons. Renowned environmental disaster site. School buses chugging around in close proximity to fully loaded gasoline tankers. The sound of 50 buses churning to life at 6 a.m. every weekday morning, and doing their required daily back-up warning beep tests near a residential neighborhood.

But the City of Fairfax has done its homework, and it has been searching for years for a place to resettle this bus lot. They are assured by the experts that the site is uncontaminated, and never really received much of the underground plume, which instead extended about 2,000 feet east across Pickett Road and into Fairfax County. They think the buses and tankers will have enough space to maneuver. And they feel the neighborhood is far enough away, and screened by trees, that it won’t be affected.

Still, this chapter of the “Pickett Road tank farm” saga, circa 2012, continues to unfold. The details are after the jump.

A semi-complicated real estate history, and the opportunity to sell the current bus lot for a $4 million profit, gave Fairfax City the added urgency to find a new lot now. Neighbors say that shouldn’t matter.

“They’re in a bad position,” said Mark Tosti, a retired lawyer and member of the Comstock Neighborhood Association, who quickly whipped up a detailed 24-page petition opposing the tank farm lot. “But it’s pushing them into taking a cataclysmic position.”

City officials think this is a good, if unorthodox, site to lay the long search for a bus lot to rest. The city does not assume any legal responsibility for the ongoing cleanup of the gas leak or future spills, and will construct the parking lot carefully so that wells and pipes and trenches will continue to monitor the plume, City Manager Robert Sisson said.

And City Fire Marshal Andrew Wilson, who is extremely knowledgable about the tank farm’s operations and the two decades of remediation efforts, said, “As far as we know, there’s no contamination under that area,”and tests show there hasn’t been for years. Putting a 50-space parking lot there “is going to have no effect on the ongoing remediation,” Wilson said.


The city tried and tried to relocate the buses at nearly a dozen different places. Then last year, a buyer for the lot offered the city $8 million. Now the city really wanted to relocate the buses. Last fall, it focused on the grassy, unused slice of the tank farm on its southern edge, behind Lifetime Fitness.

Motiva, the company that ownsthe site (but had nothing to do with the leakage), thought this was a terrible idea. Fairfax City threatened to use its powers of eminent domain to force a sale. Motiva, a joint venture of Shell Oil and Saudi Refining Inc., responded in April with a letter reminding the city that this was a federal cleanup site and “we believe that this location is a poor site for a bus parking lot for many reasons.”

Among those reasons were that “residual or non-mobile product [gasoline] remains in the subsurface,” the letter said. “Re-mobilization of this residual product might occur from a significant weather event, construction activities or a change in hydrogeology due to construction of the bus lot facility.” The letter cited numerous specific monitoring and recovery wells that would need to be preserved, along with the trench, various piping and stormwater management.

The city was undaunted. Then-mayor Rob Lederer, and soon-to-be Mayor Scott Silverthorne, met with Comstock Homeowners Association leaders in February. The association president, Sam Fisher, said he relayed the news to his association, and no one in his group raised any complaints.

But when it became clear that the city was going to cut the deal, other Comstock residents leapt into action, and testified against it at a July 24 city council meeting. Their concerns were acknowledged, but the council was ready to roll, and voted to pay $1.25 million for the 2.2 acres, plus allocate another $2.6 million for the costs of carefully building the lot.

Tosti raised the issue of whether the city, and then the county, would assume legal liability for spills or cleanup, that it could be drawn into the EPA consent order and “the financial distress of the remediation could be horrific.”

Sisson and Wilson said that wasn’t true. “The party who spilled is always the responsible party,” Wilson said, and Randy Chapman, overseeing the cleanup for Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality, agreed.

Tosti pointed to the April letter, which said the bus lot ”will obstruct/interfere with” major portions of the monitoring and remediation. Sisson, in a letter to residents this week, said that since the letter was written, “the city has satisfied Motiva’s engineers and specialists” that the cleanup will be uninterrupted.

The homeowners also are concerned about the noise, particularly the buses starting up and testing their backup beepers at 6 a.m. Sisson said the lot will be 500 feet from the nearest residence, and, including a 100-foot turnaround area, it will be 600 feet from the buses to the closest Comstock townhouse.

Jane Campbell, another Comstock resident, said homeowners’ groups in Mantua, Pickett’s Reserve and Pine Ridge are joining their petition to the city council, asking them to reverse themselves. Tosti said he would be filing an amendment every week, raising more points of concern.

Fairfax City, meanwhile, is plunging ahead, hoping to use its profits from the Eleven Oaks deal to build the bus lot and be done with it. The neighbors have other hopes.

Here is a video that state Sen. Chap Petersen (D-Fairfax) made outside the tank farm last year calling for better safety regulations on the facility. Those regulations eventually passed and were signed into law.

1 Last Chance To Enjoy Food Truck Friday This Summer In Fairfax

Providence Community Center will be celebrating the final Food Truck Friday with games and music, a well as two local food trucks.Michael O'Connell, Patch Staff|Updated Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 3:38 pm ETFAIRAX, VA — As the summer winds down and families prepare for the start of the new school year on Monday, the Providence Community Center will be hosting its final Food Truck Friday this week.Fairfax Coun...

Providence Community Center will be celebrating the final Food Truck Friday with games and music, a well as two local food trucks.

Michael O'Connell, Patch Staff

|Updated Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 3:38 pm ET

FAIRAX, VA — As the summer winds down and families prepare for the start of the new school year on Monday, the Providence Community Center will be hosting its final Food Truck Friday this week.

Fairfax County Supervisor Dalia Palchik, whose office is located in the center, launched the weekly food truck event last month to highlight and support local businesses and food vendors.

To help celebrate the end of Food Truck Fridays, Tobago Bay Calypso Band will be performing from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Visitors can also enjoy several family friendly games, as well as free ice pops, lemonade and cookies.

Palchik's office has also invited two vendors to park their trucks in the center's parking lot from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Friday. Empanadas de Mendoza, which specializes in Argentinian street food, and Hangry Panda

Chef Peter Tran described Hangry Panda's menu as a fusion between the different styles of food he learned how to make growing up.

Find out what's happening in Fairfax Citywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

His mother taught him how to cook Vietnamese food in their Woodbridge kitchen. When he got his first job as a hibachi chef in 2005, he learned all about Japanese cuisine.

"I always had a passion for cooking and I love to cook," Tran said. "Also, I have a desire to own my own business, be self employed, and work for myself. I have a lot of ideas. When I worked for somebody else, I can't really unleash and use those ideas to combine my tastes with food."

Owning and operating a food truck seemed like the perfect solution to satiate Tran's desires for sharing his cuisine with others and being a business owner.

"A truck allowed me to kind of be at different locations," he said. "Also, it allowed me to have a rotating menu and do different things. Trends are changing, people's tastes are changing and that's what really made me fall in love with a food truck over just normal brick and mortar."

Although the truck provided some freedom, it at also presented some big challenges, namely finding places to park.

"Before the pandemic, we able to go street vending in D.C., in Arlington, in downtown Alexandria," Tran said."But now, you can just pop up at a place, but nobody knows if you're out there on the street anymore."

The challenge now is to find events where Hangry Panda can set up. During the summer months, it's been easier. Tran was invited to park outside neighborhood gatherings, like he did in July at the Mantua Swim and Tennis Club in Fairfax.

"The best way for us to really get an event is if somebody reached out to us for like a birthday party, catering wedding or catering a bar mitzvah, some type of prepaid gig," he said.

Customers can book Hangry Panda on it website or Facebook page. They can also place a pre-order for Friday's event at the Providence Community Center on both trucks' websites.

"If somebody pre-ordered, it will allow us more time to prep everything properly and prepare the food properly for them so they don't have a long wait," Tran said.



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